An explanation

"sir the hostile fleet is defeated and their remines are warping away, we had no loses, I am returning all the scouts to the ship", Victor announces, "thank you victor", john replies

Eva looks with shock at john "who are you, what are you?", Eva asks and before john can react, she continues, "you just wiped the floor of the biggest Zang fleet in the entire history of the milky way galaxy like it was nothing", she says shocked

"where do I begin?", john says and pause for a moment to think, after taking a deep breath he continues, "first of all I am human and from earth, just not from this one I am from another dimension, I am the first of the humans in my dimension to discover a way to move across dimensions, your dimension is one of multiple dimensions I visited in my journey now about my background the truth is that first of all I am an inventor, except interdimensional travel I also invented the first method for FTL drive in my earth and a lot more, also it quite a long story but I am also the leader of my earth, more precise the president of its government", john tells to Eva, "so why you have been here for such long time?", Eva asks, " I discovered inter-dimensional travel 3 years ago and since then every two months or so I go to explore another dimension under the cover of exploring deep space, every time I explored different earth by going to leading engineering university's to see what knowledge is similar and what is different, in your earth case it is MIT, what happened that when I was on my way to MIT, I stumbled upon you and when you saw me again in your physics class, something went through my mind and I decided to stay more than planed while keeping my identity for a secret, and as you know the rest is history", john explains to Eva, as best he can, knowing it is very confusing to her.

Eva takes her time to understand everything, from one side she it seems so impossible but from the other side they are in a spaceship in orbit, above earth, "he said inter-dimensional travel so maybe", she thinks and a question pops in her brain "do you time-travel?", she asks john,

John answers "I researched the subject but for now I have no possible way to time travel, but for your knowledge time itself flows in different rates in different dimensions, like the year in my dimension is 2042 while in yours it 2090", john answers.

"why did you ask?", john asks.

"my mother", Eva says and john looks at her quietly.

"even if I could, it will bring a lot of risks, I am sorry", john answers knowing this disappointing Eva.

Eva looks outside a Huge window in the ship control room looking down on earth and meanwhile john is analyzing the data his AI victor gathered about the attacking fleet, he notices something and commands victor to research it.

John looks at Eva and then on Earth, "I owe them too an explanation", he thinks, "we need go back to earth", john says to Eva and starts to think of how to approach this debacle.