Going inter-dimensional

after a week of exploring Morn and its inhabitants, john and Eva return to 'The Explorer' landing site with Wike and his Familia, "it was an honor to meet you and to become your friend prince Wike", john tells Wike, "and I am thanking you in the name of the Morenian people for saving our home, and it is my honor to be your friend john", Wike replies and hugs john, "goodbye Wike, it was fun seeing you", Eva tells to Wike, "it was also great to meet you again", Wike hugs Eva and whispers in her ear "keep this one, I am feeling from him a lot of love towards you, and this something I don't even feel from other Morenians towards each other", he says and afterwards Eva and john enter 'The Explorer' and wave goodbye to Wike before the door closes, they go to the command room and set course towards 'The Alpha' and they take off leaving Wike and his Familia behind waving at them.

As they enter to ' The Alpha', they are going to the command room, john goes to his control desk, while Eva looking at Morn, beneath them.

"so, where we are going next?", Eva asks while looking at john, "we are heading to earth, my earth, I asked victor to check the recent events across your galaxy, and it seems like the Zang's are up to something, also the battle on Morn did its own headlines so we will go to my earth, let things cool down, do some upgrades and return here to continue the journey, and destroy the Zang plans", john replies and surprised Eva looks at johns "for how much time, and do you promise to bring me back?", she asks,"for a month, your dimension and mine have mostly the same time flow only difference of couple of minutes for your dimension, so we will be back in a month, you have my word, that I bring you back, you saw that I have good intension, I just want to make upgrades for a scenario if something big will happen, I ordered victor to leave behind several dozen scouts, around earth and Morn In case of another attack", john replies.

Eva thinks for a moment and decides with herself that now is a chance of a lifetime to see something no human or alien from her dimension ever saw, another dimension with another earth and a galaxy full of different alien races, she looks at john "I am in, I want to see your earth", Eva tells to john with excitement, john smiles at Eva and then he contacts Victor, " Victor you heard the lady, set course back to our dimension and do it fast as we can, I wasn't home for enough time", he commands and Victor engages 'The Alpha' warp drive.

As the ship starts to accelerate, victor starts a countdown "five minutes until the dimension tearing, warp drive at 60% capacity, 4 minutes until dimension tearing, warp drive at 75% capacity, 3 minutes until dimension tearing, warp drive at 85% capacity, 2 minutes until dimension tearing, warp drive at 90% capacity, 1 minute until dimension tearing, warp drive at 95% capacity, 10 seconds until dimension tearing, warp drive at 100% capacity, dimension tearing begins", Victor announces.

And then as Eva looks outside, she sees a hole ripping in front of the ship and from the other side she sees stars and nebulas.

And before Eva can comprehend the ship enters the rip, "dimension tearing was successful we are in our dimension", Victor announces, as Eva sees again normal space but the star position is changed and then she sees that they approaching earth , but earth looks different with a lot more space traffic around it, "on my earth, space ships would largely be military and not civilian like those , also most of civilian ships are for colonial purpose while in this earth the ship looks like for all commercial uses and what and amount, in my earth we don't have a percent of this space traffic", she thins and sees ships coming into warp fields, and ships appearing from warp fields, she looks at the moon and sees that the moon full of small lights in city formation, "in my moon we have only couple of small settlements but this is a full blown colony" she says amazed and then she notices the ships flying towards the moon and from it.

John approaches amazed Eva "welcome to my dimension, my earth is beneath us, go get ready for leaving 'The Alpha', we will descend using 'The Explorer' ", john says to Eva who goes immediately to her room, to pack everything she needs.