Sky-city central

Eva decides to explore the city so she gets outside to the street, then she looks at her watch, "victor how I can get from here to the center of the city?", she asks the AI, "I ordered you a ride, it will be here in a couple of moments", Victor replies and then an autonomous car arrives with a sign on it, 'sky-city central', Eva enters the car and sees it has four seats, whew two seats are facing the other two.

As she enters the car Eva notices that three seats are already occupied, then she notices that the empty seat has a screen above it displaying her name, "that interesting", she thinks and sits.

After couple of moments The lady in front of Eva looks at her, "so you are new here?", the lady asks, "yes, how did you know?", Eva replies , "first your name is not familiar with the neighborhood you just boarded from and second you have the look of shock when someone sees sky-city for the first time, I was also like that when I saw the city for the first time, and to think that 15 years ago everything around us was only a vision and here we now at the capital city of a unified earth, where people from all kinds of backgrounds come together to solve humanity problems and advance our society forward,", the lady explains to her, making Eva interested in the Lady's first experience with the city, "can you tell me what you first thought about the city when you first arrived here", Eva asks the Lady, "it was seven years ago, during the big rush to the colonies, I got offered a position at the Sky-city spaceport management, at first I didn't believe in the stories about the city, but it hit me in my first day here, as I walked across the city I saw people from different backgrounds and cultures, a lot of whom from a groups who were once hostile to Each other and for my amazement I didn't saw any hostilities as everyone had a common goal, making a better future for humanity and evert since, I didn't saw a single conflict in town related to ethnicities or culture, it like everyone put their differences aside and that the beauty of sky city", the lady answers to Eva, "and what do you think about the president?", Eva asks, wondering what people really think of john, "quite the visionary person, I still remember how 15 years ago I saw him in the news after he took over, at first we all were afraid, as it was the begging of something unfamiliar as humanity never really been unified under one government until that day, also everyone been frightened from john, no one really thought that he will do as he promised, but for everyone surprise he did, one of his first projects was to build infrastructures in third world communities and eliminating all the terror organizations, he taken care of poverty pretty fast using his technology to handle resources better and of course before the end of the first year of his rule he already established a space lines to the moon and mars and also made the first surveys of nearby solar systems, so what I can tell you, he isn't perfect as he has its own quirks but president Barin is for sure the best thing that happened for humanity in the last century if not millennia", the lady replies, , "I need to explore johns history", Eva thinks afterwards.

After couple of minutes, the car stops and the lady gets outside, "have a pleasant day, and explore the city as much as you can, you would not regret it, oh and don't worry I won't tell anyone about your boyfriend", The lady says before closing the door leaving Eva baffled.

As another five more minutes pass the car stops and victor signals Eva that it is her stop, she gets outside, "welcome to sky-city central, here we have museums hyperloop hub that can take you everywhere you want, a lot of shopping centers, sky city university and of course all the federation and sky city governmental facilities", Victor tells to Eva,

Eva decides to tour around, she is looking around her, she looks at the stores the people and buildings around her, "it looks so similar, but feels different", she thinks with amazement.

As she walks Eva stumbles upon the museum of earth history, she goes inside and sees that there is a guided tour that talks about the events that led to the formation of the federation, "that what I was looking for", she thinks and decides to join the tour and goes to the waiting area, where she joins a group containing mostly American tourists.