The speech

Eva decides to visit the congress building as she heads towards it she turns the watch, "Victor can I get inside the congress building, I want to tour it", she asks the AI, " today there are no guided tours, because of the assembly, but if you want to go by yourself, john gave you all the permission to get Inside", Victor replies, "sounds like a plan", Eva responds as she heads to the building entrance, she goes through the security without problems and enters the building, as she goes through the halls she is amazed from the elements and the design of the building, then she gets a notification "the world assembly will start in 15 minutes, I preserved an observation seat for you, of course only if you want to go there ", Victor tells to Eva, "yes I want to see it, please guide me to the assembly hall", she replies and Victor guides her until she finds the entrance to the assembly hall, as she enters Eva sees before her hall in a shap of a half circle with rows going from bottom to top and in the bottom there is a stage with a stand on it, Victor give her the location of her assigned seat and as Eva sits she sees that john enters the hall, he looks at her and smiles and goes towards the bottom and then an announcement is made, "the world assembly is starting, we ask everyone to seat in their assigned seats, thank you", the announcer says and after everyone is sitting a second announcement is heard, "and now for his speech we call our president Mister john Barin to the speech stand", Eva than notices at john who gets up from his seat at the bottom of the hall and he goes to the speech stand on the stage and starts to talk.

"ladies and gentlemen my fellow governors, representative and guests, I stand here after I came from a long journey to the far reaches of space, I saw another civilization's, studied phenomena's that are so unique that it is hard to describe and also did a lot more, but we didn't gather here today to hear about that journey, we gathered here today to talk about how we make more progress, how we can solve more problem and how we can make a better humanity", john says and pauses for a moment and then he showcases a hologram of Earth, "First of all, I am proud to announce that we finished the building of the global hyperloop transport system and from now on every person on earth can get to other side of the planet in less of three hours!", john announces while the hologram shows all the possible lines of the hyperloop, afterwards a new hologram appears, showing an earth like planet, "And for my big announcement, I am proud to announce of the establishment of our 16th colony 'Valhalla', the colony located 55 light year from earth and for now is the most distant colony from earth, while we already setting steps for more distant colony's like her And now I am honored to announce that Mister Alexander Buren was selected to be Valhalla's first governor", john speaks and then the hologram disappears, "And for conclusion, I want to wish to you all great conference, and I am very happy for the progress we are making in the development of humanity towards a bright future!", john adds and leaves the stand and Everyone start to clap and cheer.

Eva sees that john is leaving the hall using a back door and before she could think about this a security-guard approaches her, "mam I am here to escort you to your appointment with the president so please follow me", the guard says, "sounds like I will see john soon", She thinks and follows the guard.