To New York city

On their route to NYC in john's car, Eva looks at john "you know, every political figure I saw has guards around it, except of you, and you are on the top, you don't fear to get in danger?", She asks.

"first of all I want the people see that I am close to them and not someone who is disconnected from them, like when I am going through sky-city a lot of time a civilian will come to talk with me and they do this because they know no one will harm them while approaching me, also you really think I am really unprotected, remember Morn, my watch can turn into a small security drone, also the watch I gave you can do the same, also I have other technological methods to protect myself, and also people in my earth know that I am full of surprises so only the insane try harm me directly.", john replies while he looks at Eva.

"what kind of other technology?", curious Eva asks, as she knows she only saw a fraction of john's tech.

John thinks for a moment, "it's pretty complicated, but to make things simple that chip that I have in my head have several other abilities other than enhancing my knowledge and connecting me to victor, that chip also enhanced my senses so I can see danger approaching me from afar, that is the biggest technology advantage, other things is that every time I am in public several clocked attack drones are above me, oh and victor also traces me, so I feel pretty safe to be without guards", he replies with joy, "he really loves to explain stuff", Eva thinks and she understands something, "oh, ok so that explains your over-confidence in Morn, so when you said that no one will harm us was because of all of those technology", she says to john.

"yes, and also victor was already in high alert so even if that guard tried to kill us in stand of bringing us to the general, he would be dead even before he could to put his finger on the trigger, you know will tell you something about my tech, when you said that Morenians are capable of controlling other Races, so I commanded victor to use my chip to see if some of them will try to take control over me, what happened with that guard that he tried to take control over us, but in stand I took control of him using the chip, I discovered his plan and let him to think that we are under his control, I didn't want to scare you then, that way 'the alpha' was above us when we got to the general, I already know the guards plan so I made my own counter-plan and the rest is history", john adds.

"so, you full of surprises", Eva responds.

John smiles,"yes, I try to be ready for anything, but also don't want to look like a mad person, so people know that I have a lot of advance tech, but don't know what kind, for example about the chip, it is still experimental, I want to try go mainstream with that until 2050, but for a tech like that will only scare people, I think you are the first person to know about that chip", he says to Eva.

Eva is amazed from John honesty, "so why did you tell me?", she asks, than john looks at Eva and sighs, "because you asked, as I said I want you to see my true self and for that I will tell you everything you will ask, I want you to know that I am hundred percent honest with you, so if you judge me, you will judge my true self", he tells her.

John puts his hand on Eva's hand, and Eva looks at him, she still astonished from his honesty but her gut tells her that john really tells her the truth.

Eva smiles at john, "all those things you said would be unbelievable to me if told me them when we first met, but the truth at first I was scared of you, but now I am fully trusting you, so this is my thank you for your honesty", she says and approaches john and kisses him.

Meanwhile in the home world of an alien race named the grey, a plan is set up, "this will teach that arrogant human for disrespecting our race", says the fleet commander to his Superiors with satisfying voice while showing them his plans.