
you, know you look pretty calm, after all those discerptions of the genocide that those Lomonian did, are you not worried that this will happen to your civilization too?", Eva asks john while they walk through the ship halls heading towards their rooms after eating dinner.

"I was, that is why I built the inter-planetary defense system, it is an autonomous system controlled by Victor, it is inside every solar system in federation space, disguised as asteroids, comet or under dwarf planet, all of them where built on the base of Eris, each has enough firepower to take on a full scale armada, also I am keeping eye on the Lomonian, if they try to harm us or the Orenian, their fleet will decimated before they enter the Orion arm, so yes they are a threat but only, if you mess with them and that's a thing I have no intention to do", john answers and looks back at Eva.

"so, nobody know you can go inter-dimensional?", Eva asks after thinking about is.

"yes, most civilizations in the galaxy don't like the risky physics in inter-dimensional travel, victor discovered a more safe method then the other civilizations tried, also what is astonishing me, is that after going FTL, most civilizations go on the slow path on technology, look on the Orenian they discovered FTL 700 years ago but invented quantum computers 100 years ago and still their AI's are nothing compared to ours, meanwhile we discovered in earth FTL 15 years ago and started to develop quantum computers 40 years ago, and look where we got, we have AI's everywhere, the fastest warp technology, and not to talk about the technology we only finishing developing like inter-dimensional travel or embedded chips that can enhance health and intelligence.", john replies while they enter the command room.

"why is that?", Eva questions.

"the risks, let's take one of differences between our Earth's, in mine in 2023, someone took the risk to invest in quantum AI technology, while in yours, nobody wanted to invest in this kind of technology, risk are making a lot of differences, why try something new when the old works, that why I have appreciation to Zilk, he is the first Orenian in a lot of time that try to push things forward in his civilization, he also show another reason for slow advancement, bureaucracy, that is why for now I am building the base for a governmental body that will help humanity thrive and not one that will kill advancement in the name of comfort or personal interest", john explains.

"so, that is one of the reasons you took control over earth in 2027?", Eva asks while connecting the dots in her mind, she wants to know more of john reasoning for those Events.

"yes, everyone that I talked about the FTL technology was exited, but no one was willing to do the necessary to get ready for it and its following Consequences, everyone wanted to do what was good for themselves and not for the other people of earth", john replies with anger in his voice and gets a little stiff.

"john you look quite angry you need calm down", Eva says worried.

"Sorry, this topic gets me hard, I looked at history of different civilization and earth and every time I see two things that are the same that are killing advancement, the no taking risk and bureaucracy, but you know that why I am here to make sure it won't happen to my earth and civilization", john replies.

Then Eva loses balance and almost falls on the floor, john catches her again, "you forgot, to take off the suit", john says and they both laugh.

"I am happy that you took risks, because if you didn't, I would've met you", Eva says and kisses john, "can you help me get this suit off me?", she asks "sure", john answers and they both go to Eva's room and stay there for the night.