The Moon

'The Alpha' arrives to the moon and start to descend towards the moon surface.

When they get closer to the moon Eva notices that there are two big metropolitans on the moon, both on each pole, "the north pole city name is Armstrong and the name of the southern one in Aldrin, we are heading To Armstrong where we will meet with the governor, but first we need to land in the Apollo spaceport at the outskirts of the city", john tells to wondering Eva.

The large ship lands in a spot that fits its size and Eva looks and sees a big number of large ships in the spaceport, "those are ships for long interstellar travel, civilians fly to here from earth to board one of those ships if they want to fly further then 10 light years from here." John explains.

"but it seems that your ship is capable of landing in regular sized planet", Eva asks.

"it is because the ship has the energy needed for such things, but people are fearing seeing ships that size flying above their heads, so for meanwhile we launch people using ship in similar size of 'The Explorer' to nearby systems and if they need, they take a big ship from one of many spaceports on low gravity planets and moons", john answers.

After docking is complete, they get off 'The Alpha', using John's car, and set curse to Armstrong to their meeting with the governor, "so what is this meeting about", Eva asks, "the opening of the space museum in the Apollo 11 landing site and also I think the governor will want to request a permission for some project he wants", john replies.

They arrive to the doom covered city of Armstrong and enter inside, after couple of minutes they arrive to the moon governor building, where in the entrance the governor is waiting to them, "mam and mister president thank you for coming to visit", the governor says, "Dean you know you can call me john and I bet you know already the name of my spouse Eva", john tells to Dean, "I am so regular to the formality of things, that I forgot that I can be less formal with you", Dean replies, "its ok, now for can you tell me what you wanted to discuss with me regarding the museum", john asks as they walk to Dean's office, "we wanted to ask your permission for two things, the first can we borrow the prototype of the first warp system for the opening of the museum", dean replies as they sit in his office, "ok I will borrow to the museum one of the prototypes, but keep it safe and don't let people touch it, I am still sure it quite radioactive even 16 years after the last time it worked, now what the second thing?", john replies with interest, "we want you to tell people what gave you inspiration to do all of this, you know the invitation of FTL and the federation, we want make an exhibit for inspiring the young audience", Dean says to john, "for sure, when I have time, I will record something, especially if it is to motivate the young generation", john says happily, "now I have another request, we want to build a new university here in the moon", Dean adds , "you don't need my permission for that", john replies, "we are naming it after you, we made a discreet vote with all the people of the colony few days ago and your name won by a big margin, john you are inspiration, you united humanity made first contact and made us a rising force in the galaxy in less of 15 years, so I am saying it will be our honor to name the new Aldrin university after you", Dean answers.

John looks in shock and a tear of joy falls on his cheek, "I am honored but you sure about that?", he asks, "yes, sir the people of the moon told their opinion and as their repressive, and also one of the supporters of the idea, I can say we are pretty sure about it", Dean answers.

"don't call me sir, I am john and I just", john pause and rises up and hugs Dean, "I am sorry, but you made my heart warm", john exclaims, "it is very nice of you", Eva adds, "it is the least we can do to the man who took humanity to the skies and beyond", Dean replies.

After the meeting ends they set course back to the Apollo spaceport, "you were quite emotional, are you fine?", Eva asks john, "I am fine, it was the joy for seeing that the civilians respect me, you understand in the last fifteen years every time I heard something coming from the civilians through their governor was things they were afraid to speak about, but this time it took me by surprise", john replies, "I can tell you from the last couple of months after all the things you did, it is the least you deserve", Eva tells to john directly to his face, "and you deserve one more thing", she adds and kisses john.