Chip combat

"Eva it is between us for the meantime, the grey made a devilish deal, they contacted the Andromedians", discomforted john tells Eva, "you said that the Grey are child's play compared to them", Eva responds with worried voice.

"they are a very brutal race, the reason they called Andromedians is because they are the only civilization left in their galaxy, they annihilated the rest", john answers knowing that this only worry Eva more.

"so why to keep this a secret from everyone, they need to get prepared to fight", Eva asks wondering about john's motives.

"It will only make everyone panic and maybe even cause a war between the races in the galaxy, but I think I have a solution for this situation", John answers with confidence.

"what kind of a solution", Eva asks john while being worried knowing that this will involve something that will risk john.

"they sent the data and their representative through a spaceship as inter-galactic communications are non-existent, I think we can outrun that ship", john tells Eva while showcasing the Andromedian ship course towards andromeda, "so, let's do this", Eva tells john with excitement.

"it is not that simple, they are very aggressive, I need you to know that this it will be very risky operation", john tells worried, "I didn't come with you to be a stay-at-home wife, where you are going, I am joining you", Eva responds, "great, so it is time to make a little upgrade to your chip", john tells to Eva and looks at his tablet starting to code Eva's chip upgrades.

As 'The Alpha' starts it pursuit after the messenger ship, john goes with Eva to the training room.

"so, as I said, I did some upgrades to your chip", John tells to Eva while putting his tablet near the door of the room, then John tries to attack Eva and she counters every move he doing on her, without needing to think.

"great the first test went fine, now let's continue", john says as he stops to attack Eva and then Eva feels something behind her and attacks it throwing it on the ground, and she notices it was a robot.

"next test", john commands and the lights go off full dark and even her night vision isn't working and then she feels moves in the air and she starts to counter attacks from all directions without even getting hurt once.

"last one", john commads and the lights turn back on and a robot enters the room, "try to hit it", he says and Eva tries but the robot moves fast and manages to hit her, she tries again and again, but for in vain, until she notices that she can see the robot movements in slow motion and she manages to make the robot fall on the ground.

"great, the upgrades working great, remember me to never piss you off", John tells to tired Eva.

"I never felt like this, I understand why you like taking risks, you feel powerful with this chip", Eva tells john while drinking water.

"now, it's time to shower, but before that", john says and starts to fight Eva, she can't hit him, but he manages to touch her three times, the battle last for couple more minutes where they both show super human capabilities throwing punches at non-human speed and then john does a super-fast move and manages to un-balance Eva but he catches her before she falls and kisses her, "what was that?", Eva asks amazed, "I got a couple more capabilities to my body than yours, having an upgraded skeleton has its quirks", john answers while helping Eva to stand again.

"now I need to go shower too", John says while he and Eva going to his room to shower together, "next time I will beat you", Eva tells to john, "we will live and see", john replies to Eva while grabbing her for a hug.

Meanwhile a Grey looks at a screen "he took the bait", he tells his commander, "great, even we are not that arrogant to contact the Andromedians, it will be a suicide, now tell all forces to get ready, they won't have their leader to interfere with us this time", the commander replies and an armada of Grey ships warps into space towards federation space.