Asking a Favor

Sophie Huang was silent for a long time after she heard Teacher Qian's question. A soft sigh escaped her as she thought of how her granddaughter had acted for the past few weeks.

"I'm not sure if I should say that she's taking it too well or not," Sophie said with hesitation. "Hazel has been a good girl. She understood that she couldn't see her parents again but she didn't throw any tantrum."

"Hazel has always been someone sensible." Edith pointed out.

"But I feel that she hasn't been acting normal," Sophie continued. "I have gone and see a few doctors and discuss Hazel's behavior... They said that Hazel's behavior is normal. But I'm still worried."

"People face their grief differently, Mrs. Mo. As long as you watch over her and show her support when she needs it, I'm sure she can get through this."

"I hope so."

Edith tried to smile when the elder gave her a hesitant look. After thinking about it for a while, Qian decided to speak, "I lost my father when I was still in my mother's belly and my mother passed away when I was eight. I was a bit older than Hazel when I lost my mother, but I can slightly understand her grief."

Sophie watched the kindergarten teacher curiously. "At that time, how did you…"

Sophie did not finish her question, but Edith could guess what was trying to ask her.

"I was a big child when my mother passed. Because I was raised by my mother... I was very reliant on her. When she passed away, I was lost and did not know what to do." At the memory of her childhood, Edith lowered her gaze and let out a short breath. "Back then, I almost shut myself from others. But I was lucky that I had my grandpa who looked after me and supported me."

Sophie lowered her gaze to the teacup in her hand. "I'm sorry for your lost."

She looked at Sophie again and mustered a smile. "I think, what Hazel needs is her family love and support. As long as you can patiently stay by her side and look after her, I'm sure that Hazel can overcome everything."

Sophie thought over the kindergarten teacher's words for a while. "I wanted to bring Hazel to live in the countryside with me and my husband, but she refused to come with us. She said if she lives with us, she won't get to visit her parents as much as she wants. For Hazel's sake, I would return to the city to live with my granddaughter, but with my husband's health, It was not something that we can do."

Seeing that the elderly woman had stopped talking, Edith then said, "Is there anything I can do to help, Mrs. Mo?"

"It was decided that Hazel will live with her uncle," Sophie said. "Actually, Hazel's uncle was supposed to be here to discuss this arrangement, but he had to leave due to an important matter."

It was then that Edith recalled the man she met at the door. Everyone in MH city knew that Adam Mo's brother is none other than Neil Mo, the man said to be ruthless in the business world.

No wonder she had thought that the man looked familiar. Edith was sure that she had seen that man's face in the newspaper and magazine a few times.

"This living arrangement will be a month trial for both of them," Sophie continued. "My elder son might know a thing or two about running a company, but he is clueless about taking care of a child. To tell you the truth, Hazel's uncle never had much interaction with her until a month ago, I hope you can understand my worry."

Edith was surprised when she heard of Hazel's living arrangement. She had thought that Hazel will surely live with her grandparents and that Sophie came over to the kindergarten to draw Hazel out from school and manage the transferring process.

"There will be many things they will have to face together. But as long as your son is willing to give it a try, I'm sure he will be good as time passed by," Edith said after a while.

Her thought went back to the moment she had live with her grandpa. Back then, her grandfather and her relationship were almost like a stranger. She was never closed to her grandfather but had no choice but to live with him as he was the only family she had.

The first year for their new living arrangement was the hardest.

Her grandfather was a policeman and due to his job, he rarely had time for her. But after a few shouting and yelling at each other for the whole years, they finally came together. They had to learn to compromise with each other. After that, things gradually worked out by themselves.

Truthfully, Edith did not know how she would survive without her grandfather at her side. As these thoughts came to her mind, Edith was very grateful that her grandfather had chosen to be patient to raise her instead of sending her away to some orphanage or let her be raised by someone else.

"Hearing your words make me feel less worried," Sophie said. "Teacher Qian, thank you for sharing your story."

Edith replied to her with a smile. "Will Hazel's nanny continue to look after her as well?"

Sophie nodded. "She will."

"Then, you should be more at ease. Auntie Ann has been by Hazel's side for a long time. At least Hazel's uncle will have someone to help him."

"I heard from Auntie Ann that Hazel is quite close to you in this kindergarten."

"I'm only Hazel's classroom teacher, Mrs. Mo."

"You don't have to be so polite. Actually," Sophie paused hesitantly. "I have a favor to ask."

"What is it? If it's something that I can help with…"

"It's nothing much. I am still worried about Hazel's new living arrangement. Therefore I would like to ask you to look after Hazel when you can. My son, Hazel's uncle have zero knowledge about looking after a child. If you see that he was making a mistake, I hope that you can patiently help him to look after Hazel."