Endless Meeting

Fortunately, the two of them arrived at the kindergarten on time. Once the driver pulled over his car on the side of the road, Neil walked get off the vehicle and helped Hazel out.

Because of her short legs, Hazel almost tripped as she slid down from her seat. However, Neil was quick enough to grab her hand before she would fall on the road.

"Are you alright?"

Hazel patted at her chest and felt her heartbeat increased. Earlier, she was so scared that she might fall and have been bracing for her fall. The thing she was afraid of was the pain from falling down.

"I'm alright." Hazel tightened her grip on her uncle's big hand to calm down.

Neil crouched down to check on his niece. Seeing that the little girl was not harmed, Neil stood up and continued to hold her hand. Together the uncle and niece walked towards the kindergarten's entrance.

A few parents who happened to see the uncle and niece together could not help but be drawn to the two of them.

One was cold and aloof and the other was cute and fluffy.

It was such a rare sight for any of the parents to see the President of MH Group, Neil Mo, to appear at the kindergarten.

Usually, they would not have the chance to run into them. After living together, Neil would send the little girl early, and Hazel would be the first person to arrive.

"Good morning, Teacher Qian!" Hazel greeted her classroom teacher when she saw her in front of the entrance.

"Hazel Mo," Edith crouched down to get on the little girl's level and smiled. "Good morning. You made it on time."

"Un," Hazel nodded before she glanced at her uncle.

Edith followed her eyesight and stood up as her gaze met with Neil's. "Good morning." she smiled.

Neil replied with a nod before he turned to his niece. "I'm going now and I will come and pick you up later."

The little girl's eyes widened as she heard his words. "You promise?"

Neil opened his mouth to reply and stopped himself once he saw the anticipation in her eyes. "Hmm." He nodded. "I promise." he patted Hazel on her hair before he turned around and left.


Assistant Shawn and a few high-level managers were waiting for their president, Neil Mo to arrive at the entrance. When the luxury car pulled up, Assistant Shawn hurriedly opened the door and Neil stepped out of his car as he fastened up a button on his suit.

"Good morning, President Mo." the managers greeted in unison.

Neil replied with a nod and walked into the building with the others following closely behind him. He tilted his head slightly to his assistant and asked, "Have the other arrived?"

Assistant Shawn quickened his pace to match up with the president. "They are waiting for you in the conference room, President Mo."

Neil nodded. Then he turned his head to one of the managers beside him. "How is the stock market?"

"It was just as we have expected," the manager said as he stepped up to walk by the president's side and he passed a thin stack of paper to him. "The stock price went down once the market is open. It was no doubt that this was the result of that rumor. But Our PR team had controlled the situation, so the drop was not as bad as we had expected."

"Continue to watch the trend and report back to me," Neil said. He entered his private elevator with his assistant, and soon, the others dispersed to go back to their task.

Neil took a deep breath as the elevator stopped and walked into the conference room to face the board of directors.

The meeting went on for the whole day. They only take a break for an hour during lunch. Even so, the members of directors stayed within the premises since President Mo had arranged for his assistant to order take away from a famous restaurant in the city.

The hours passed by and soon the employees clocked out when it was time for them to go back, but the meeting with the directors continued. Not one of them left their place as they discussed to find the best way to save MH Group from their recent crisis.

From the moment the meeting started, the directors have been giving out their opinions and debate on the issue for so long but after so long, they still could not agree on anything.

The door swung open and Neil saw his assistant walked with a hesitant expression on his face.

Noticing that it has been a long time that everyone has been cooped in the room, Neil glanced at his watch and noted that it was getting late. He turned to his assistant and beckoned him to come closer.

Assistant Shawn inclined his body forward to speak. "President Mo."

"This meeting should end in a couple of hours. Book a place for everyone to have dinner together," Neil said before his assistant could say anything.

"Yes, President Mo." he nodded. He paused for a while before he spoke again.

Neil raised a brow when his assistant stood still. "Is there anything else?"

"President Mo. It is time for young miss to return from her kindergarten."

Neil sat up straight as he remembered his niece. Then he glanced at his watch again. He lifted his head to look at the members of directors and hesitated.

These past few days, Neil Mo has been the one to send and pick up his niece from kindergarten. Because he was trying to build a bond with his niece, his mother suggested spending any time that he can with Hazel.

Up until today, Neil has never failed to do this task.

However, the discussion with the board of directors may have reached its climax, but the directors were still arguing. Knowing that they might come to an agreement soon, Neil knew that he cannot end the meeting now.

Neil tapped his fingers on his chair twice before he made a decision. "Assistant Shawn. You go pick her up from the kindergarten and send her home to Nanny Ann."