Returning to Hometown

As the weekend came, Edith Qian packed her belongings and took a bus back to her hometown.

Because the bus had several stops on the way, the journey took her for almost two hours to arrive. Edith took a deep breath as she stepped off the bus.

The town was not far away from the sea. When the wind blew, she could smell the familiar salty air. And the smell gave her a nostalgic feeling. It seemed that it has been a while since she returned home.

She adjusted her backpack's strap on her shoulder and walked towards the taxi stand. Just as she was about to hail a car, a vehicle not far away from her beeped its horn. Edith turned around and saw a man, waving his hands at her with a smile.

Once he noticed that she was looking at his direction, the man beckoned her to come over.

Edith picked up her steps upon seeing the familiar face. "Aaron! What are you doing here?" she asked as soon as she reached his side. Her lips tilted up into a bright smile.

He gave her a lopsided smile as he leaned on the pale blue van behind him. "Your grandfather said that you're coming back today. He let me come and pick you up."

"Thank you." Edith Qian gave his friend a look over. There was not much change in him since the last time she saw him a year ago. Except that, his hair was getting longer and it had almost reached his shoulder.

Aaron Li raised a brow teasingly when he noticed the way his friend was checking him out. "What is it? You think I'm getting handsome since you haven't seen me for a while?"

Edith punched him on his shoulder and rolled her eyes. "You're still that same annoying brat."

The man burst into a laugh upon hearing her words. He opened the passenger's door side and ushered her in. Then, he slid into the driver seat and drove away from the bus station.

Edith Qian watched the scenery outside. Judging from the scenery outside, she knew that he had deliberately used the beach route to drive her back. Although the journey might take ten minutes longer, the beach scenery was exceptional.

"When did you come back to town?" Edith turned to her friend who was holding the steering wheel with a hand.

He had rolled down the window and the sea breeze blew in.

"Two months ago."

"You're taking over the family business?"

Aaron chuckled. He placed one elbow on the window and drove. He glanced at her lazily and said, "Why? Do you need a job? If you ever need a job, you can always find me. I will hire you as the housekeeper."

Edith Qian chuckled. "Can you even afford me? I'm very expensive to hire."

He laughed before he spoke again. "That's not it. I was transferred back here. I am now a detective for this town."

"You can still be a detective with the way you look?" Edith gave him another lookover. "With that long hair?"

"What's wrong with the way I look?" He clicked his tongue at her. "I'm very good looking, alright?"

Edith laughed at his words. She could still remember that Aaron had wanted to enter the police force just like his father. She did not think that he would really become a police officer.

After a brief silence between them, he spoke again. "How long are you planning to stay this time"

Edith threw her gaze out the window again and looked at the blue sea. "I'm just here for my mother's death anniversary. I'll head back to the city tomorrow after visiting my mom. I still have to work on Monday."

A sigh escaped her as she thought about going back to the city. At this time, she wished that she was on a longer break so that she would be able to spend a longer time in the small town.

However, Edith knew that she could not escape her job. Anyway, she loved her job as a kindergarten teacher. She had grown up looking after kids younger than her and had enjoyed interacting with children.

It was one of the reasons why she did not mind staying in the city and work.

"Come to my place before you head back," Aaron said. "My mom would love to see you."

"Alright." Edith nodded.

Even if he did not remind her to come over, she does have a plan to come over and visit Mrs. Li.

Edith Qian and Aaron Li have been friends they were kids. They went to the same primary school to high school together. Because her grandfather and Aaron's father were both in the police, they would often meet and spend time together.

Whenever her grandfather was busy with a case, he would often send her to stay at the Li's place. Aaron's mother runs a small B&B near the beach. Whenever the B&B was not too busy, she would often babysit other kids as well. Because Edith and Aaron were the same age, the two were very close.

She had spent most of her time with Li's family as she grew up. Mrs. Li had treated her and every child she babysat like her own child. It would not feel right if she did not go over and visited her.

The van cruised smoothly along the road beside the beach area.

Edith's expression grew bright as they moved passed the Li's B&B. She could still remember the beautiful beach spot just beside the B&B. Back then, she used to play there with the other kids a lot.

Aaron laughed when he glanced at her expression. "It's too hot to go to the beach now. Let's go later in the evening."

The van stopped when they arrived in front of a small house. Edith got off the vehicle, grabbed her backpack, and stopped at the door. A frown appeared on her face when she saw that the door was locked.

"Grandpa?" Edith knocked on the door a few times, but no one came to greet her.

That was strange. She had remember that she had texted her grandfather last night that she would be arriving in the town before lunch hour.

Her grandfather had replied a few minutes after. He wouldn't be on high sea where there was no reception, right?

Fortunately, Edith had remembered to bring the keys to the house, or else, she might have to stay out there until her grandfather came back.

At this time, Aaron walked over to her with a small suitcase in his hand. Seeing that her friend had helped her to carry her belongings, Edith quickly thanked him.

"Your grandfather should return in a while," Aaron said.

"Huh?" Edith looked at him in puzzled.

Aaron looked at her with his lopsided smile and continued, "He's probably hanging out at Old Chen's beef noodle stand with a few others. What do you think?"

Her eyes grew wide when she figured out why was her grandfather not at home to welcome her. "My Grandpa went fishing again this morning?"