
The high heel clacked as she stepped forward. "Assistant Shawn, I did not expect to see you here," Autumn Feng started.

The assistant's lips stretched into a smile that did not reach his eyes.

It was not a secret that Autumn Feng had wanted to get close to President Mo. As the assistant who had been working under Neil Mo for years, Assistant Shawn knew that his boss had no patience with this woman. If it was not for her father, who was one of the directors in the company, Neil Mo was not willing to give this woman a face at all.

"Manager Feng," Assistant Shawn chuckled. "Your words sounded a little bit strange. This is the company. Why wouldn't you expect to see me here?"

The smile in Autumn's face froze and she shifted her gaze quickly to the little girl at the side. Surprise flashed into her eyes and the smile on her face returned as she pretended as if she had just noticed Hazel's presence beside the assistant. "Assistant Shawn, this is… President Mo's niece?"


Autumn bent down and stretched her hand to touch the little girl's head, but Assistant Shawn was quick to block her.

"Manager Feng, President Mo had instructed that no one should get close to Young Miss."

A frown appeared on Autumn face, but she quickly composed herself. "Don't be too serious. I just wanted to say hello to the girl." Autumn quickly turned to the girl again and greeted, "Hello. You must be Hazel Mo."

Hazel watched the woman in front of her and greeted her politely.

"I am Autumn Feng. You can call me Sister Autumn."

The little girl blinked but did not give her response. Previously, she had only greeted her because of her upbringing. Her late mother had taught her that whenever someone greeted her, she has to be polite. However, to continue a conversation with a stranger was something that Hazel could not do.

Hazel gripped at Assistant Shawn's hand tightly and spoke, "Uncle Shawn, can we go now? I'm tired."

Facing the little girl's indifferent attitude, Autumn felt a wave of anger surging, but she could not do anything about it. She was in public space and Assistant Shawn was around. It will not bring her any benefit to act recklessly and she did not want to be called petty for messing with a little girl. Earlier, Autumn had the intention to get close to Hazel and paved her way to Neil Mo, but this plan does not seem very easy.

However, since Neil Mo seemed to care about this girl. And to get closer to Neil in the quickest way should be through Hazel Mo. At this time, she can only coax herself and try to be patient. Perhaps after some time, Hazel would warm up to her.

Coincidentally, the elevator behind them opened, and Assistant Shawn quickly walked in with Hazel beside him and leave the woman behind.

When they arrived at the floor, there were a few women sat around the lounging area. They watched as Assistant Shawn walked over the hallway and disappeared into the President's office.

"You're back," Neil stood up and walked over to his niece. He watched as she shrugged off the backpack and asked, "How was school?"

Hazel lifted her head and mustered a weak smile. "It was fine." Then, she walked up to the sofa and grabbed the drinking water on the table.

A slight frown appeared on his face upon hearing her short answer. After spending their time together, Hazel had started to be more talkative with him. The thing that she liked to talk about the most was her teacher and classmates. As long as he asked her about her school, Hazel could talk to him for hours.

"President Mo, the candidates are waiting outside," Assistant Shawn reminded.

Neil lifted his gaze and spoke, "Send them in in five minutes." Then he looked at his niece and spoke, "Because Nanny Ann is still on a break, I am planning to hire a caretaker for you. Later I will be interviewing a few candidates as your new caretaker."

Hazel tilted her head. Hearing that her uncle was going to hire someone, Hazel could guess at something. "Nanny Ann is not returning?"

His gaze softened knowing that the little girl was still worried about her nanny. However, he did not tell her the truth about Nanny Ann's condition as he was afraid that the little girl would worry too much.

"When she returned to the city, Nanny Ann will come and see you," Neil said. "Until Nanny Ann returned, we will have to work with this caretaker. I cannot let you come over to the office every day after school. You would be able to rest at home comfortably."

Hazel stared at her uncle for a while and nodded. "I understand."

Neil Mo then proceeded to brief his niece about the interview. "I would like it if you stay and look at them. If you think that there is someone among them who you can get along to, you have to tell me."

Hazel paused for a while before she nodded. "Alright."

After a while, Assistant Shawn began to lead the candidates in, one by one.

As Neil Mo interviewed them, Hazel would sit quietly at the side while observing them. From the start to finish, Hazel watched the interview with a blank face and would only speak to greet them.

"What do you think of them?" Neil asked as soon as the last candidates had left.

Some of the candidates had a good education, some with experience and some with a good temperament.

He picked up the resume and glanced at the question paper that he had prepared for the candidates. He had asked them a few questions based on Hazel's condition and was satisfied with half of the candidates.

However, in the end, the one Neil was going to hire in the end was someone who Hazel would be comfortable with.

During the interview, Neil had looked at his niece's expression to guess at which candidate she liked best. However, he was unable to detect anything from her.

Previously, his mother had reminded him that Hazel was someone who could get warm to a new person. It will take time for her to get comfortable with someone.

It was the same with Neil. In the beginning, Hazel would not talk to him that much and they were still awkward together.

To find someone who Hazel could get along with would be difficult.

"They looked nice," Hazel answered. She shut her eyes briefly and turned to look at her uncle. "Uncle, I'm very tired. Can I take a nap for a while?"

Neil glanced at the time and nodded. "Alright. You should be tired after listening to that interview" He patted at her hair and said, "Take a rest. I still have some matter to do and once I'm done, I will wake you up and we can go home."