President Mo's Trust

After saying their goodbyes to Lily and Alex, both Edith and Hazel hopped into Neil's SUV and let him drive them home.

Their journey back to the condo was silence and the situation was making Edith uncomfortable. At this time, she wished that Hazel would talk to her and liven the atmosphere, but the little girl was too tired after playing with Alex and she was now taking a nap beside her.

Edith was not expecting that Neil would come over to fetch them from Lily's place. Somehow, Edith was feeling as if her boss was checking up on her and it was making her slightly uncomfortable.

Neil had hired her to allow his niece to have enough rest after school. Instead of doing that, she had dragged the little girl to Lily's house. If it was not for her grandfather's parcel, Edith would not have to head over to Lily's place. Hazel could head home earlier and rest.

Edith glanced at the rear mirror and saw a portion of Neil's head.

The man was still quiet as he continued to concentrate on his driving. He lifted his head to look at the rear mirror and was surprised to see to meet Edith's gaze.

Previously, Neil had this feeling as if he was being watched. He didn't think that once he looked up, he would meet Edith's gaze, and the woman made no move to look away.

"Teacher Qian, what's wrong?"

"President Mo, are you checking on me?"

She was curious. Instead of letting this uneasy feeling haunting her, it was best if she asked for his honest answer. At least, the next time, she would not repeat the same thing.

Neil was startled by her question. It took him a few seconds before he could speak again, "Why would you think that I am checking on you?"

"Why else would you appear at my friend's place to pick us up?" Edith said.

It was then that Neil was able to grasp what Edith was thinking. "It was not as you think. You have mentioned that you have a matter to settle and you were taking Hazel along as you. Teacher Qian, I have seen you with Hazel trust you with how you are planning to look after her. Or else, I won't convince you to accept this job with such a high salary."

Edith heard his explanation and felt the corner of her lips twitched upon seeing his iceblock expression through the rear mirror. She should be touched that President Mo had that much trust in her. But… President Mo! Can you please not say those heartwarming words with such expression?

"I was not planning to come over," Neil Mo spoke after a brief silence in the vehicle. He hesitated and continued, "I was planning to stay at the office for a while longer, but my mother reminded me that as Hazel's guardian, I need to be close to her. Since I have told everyone that I will look after Hazel, I have to do my part well."

Neil thought of her mother's phone call an hour ago and pointed out that he should not relax just because he knew that Hazel will be well taken of under Edith. He was Hazel's uncle, her relative, while Edith was only the little girl's teacher.

"You will have your chance. Hazel is a small child and at this age, it would be easier for you to get close to her." Edith turned to the little girl who napped beside her and heaved a soft sigh.

As her teacher, Edith was able to see that Hazel was forced to mature after her parents' death. As compared to her, Hazel's condition and mental state were better. At least she did not cause trouble for her grandparents and uncle.

However, this matter was making Edith worry about her as well. No matter what, Hazel will need to vent her feelings as keeping her emotion to herself will slowly eat her as she grew up.

Neil's SUV continued to cruise past the road and Edith was suddenly reminded that there was a supermarket near Neil's place.

"President Mo, can you stop by the supermarket for a while?"

Neil glanced at the signage not far away from them and slowed down. "You have something to buy?"

"Hmm," Edith nodded. "If it was too inconvenient, you can drop me and head home with Hazel first. I will grab a cab later."

At this time, Hazel stirred up from her nap after listening to the adults' conversation. She looked out the window and back at Edith. "Are we going to buy something from the supermarket?"

"I'm going out to get a few things." Edith patted at the little girl's head and smiled. "You should go home with your uncle first."

Hazel blinked a few times and found that her sleepiness had disappeared. She turned to her uncle and said, "Can I go along with Teacher Qian? It has been a while since the last time I come here."

Neil was about to tell the little girl that they needed to go home when he recalled that Hazel's mother, Claire, would often take her along whenever she needed to get some groceries.

In the end, Neil pulled his car into the parking lot and looked at Edith. "We will go with you."

Edith hesitated for a brief second and nodded. "Alright."

Just like that, the three of them walked into the supermarket, looking like a family of three. Hazel quickly volunteered to help Edith to push the trolley and Neil trailed after them without saying anything.

Hazel has been keeping her eyes on the fresh produce that her teacher had put in the trolley for a while and her eyes were staring at those items with a curious gaze. "Teacher Qian," she whispered. "Are you going to cook something?"

"Un," Edith nodded. "My grandfather sent me a box of seafood. They are still fresh. It would be a waste if I did not cook them quickly."

"Your grandfather?"

"You met him previously at the noodle stall in Z Town, remember?" Edith explained. "He was that grandfather with the fierce look on his face."

Hazel frowned as she tried to recall her teacher's grandfather, but she could not recall anyone with a fierce look. In Hazel's eyes, those grandfathers who were at the noodle stall that day were all very kind. One of them had complimented that she was very well behaved.

"Hazel, what do you like to eat?" Edith asked. "Let's see if I can prepare something that you would like?"

The little girl thought for a while and answered, "Noodle. I like noodles."

"Then, let's find some ingredients to make them? How about fried noodles?"

"You don't have to cook." Neil, who was at the side was listening to the two girls conversation finally decided to speak. "Let's just get some takeaways."

He was planning to order takeaways food for their dinner, anyway.

After Hazel had come to live with him, Neil would often order for takeaways from a good restaurant for their dinner. It was only yesterday that he managed to convince Auntie Emma to stay longer and prepare some dinner for them.

It was a special occasion and he wanted to make Edith feel welcome and therefore will be more at ease to stay at his place to look after his niece.

"It's fine." Edith stared at Neil's cool expression and decided to joke around with him. "President Mo, could it be that you are worried that my cooking would be unpalatable?"

"That is not what I meant." The iceblock expression disappeared momentarily and Neil was worried that Edith would misunderstand his intention.

Edith laughed upon seeing the man's expression changed slightly. "I can tell you that I'm really good at cooking seafood."