Assistant Will's Wife

While Edith was having a headache thinking about how she should cut off the budding feeling in her heart before it got the chance to bloom, Neil Mo was too busy with the company's matter to think of anything else.

At this time, Neil was sitting in his office while Assistant Shawn was briefing him on the current stock market. Once he reached the end of his report, Assistant Shawn stood to watch his boss with a hesitant gaze.

"What is it?" Neil asked. Shawn Zhong had worked for him for years and Neil was able to read that there was something that was in the man's mind.

Assistant Shawn took a deep breath. "President Mo, do you remember Assistant Will from Finance and Accounting Department?"

The pen in Neil's grip paused and he tilted his head to look at his assistant. "Assistant Will?" A frown appeared on his face at the familiar name. His expression soon turned cold when the name finally registered into his mind. "He was that whistle-blower who tipped my brother."

"Yes," Assistant Shawn nodded.

"What about him?"

"President Mo, not too long ago, you asked me to look over Assistant Will's wife and kids," Assistant Shawn said. "I have been in touch with Assistant Will's wife, and this morning she had contacted me and had requested to meet you."

"She wanted to meet me? Why?"

"A few days ago, the family has been tidying up Assistant Will's belongings. His wife found something belonged to her husband and had wanted to hand over those things to you personally."

Neil thought over the request and his expression darkened as he thought that Assistant Will had approached his brother, Adam, with information that in the end caused them all to death. "Arrange a meeting for us."

"Yes, President Mo."

"Wait," Neil called, as Assistant Shawn turned to leave the office. "Arrange this meeting somewhere farther from the office. I don't want anyone to know about this meeting."

As per his request, Assistant Shawn had arranged for the meeting to take place in A City in the evening.

Neil parked his vehicle and raised his head to look at the signboard. He spent a few seconds mulling over his thoughts before he got off of the vehicle and stepped into the cafe.

As he walked in, Neil immediately recognized Assistant Will's wife. Their gazes met and the woman with the short hair immediately stood up to greet him.

"President Mo," the woman's lips tilted into a faint smile. "I am Sarah Lin, Assistant Will's wife."

Neil stretched his hand and the two shook hands.

"I'm sorry for requesting this sudden meeting," Sarah spoke as she gestured the man to sit down. "But I don't have much time."

A waiter approached the table with a menu. Neil looked at the waiter and ordered a cup of black coffee without glancing at the menu. Then, he turned his attention back at the woman before him. "You're going somewhere?"

Sarah nodded. "It has been months since my husband passed away. There is nothing else left for me in this city. Therefore, I am planning to follow my brother and migrate." She cast her head down and raised her head again after a while. "President Mo, thank you for your help and assistance."

She could still remember it when Assistant Shawn had appeared in front of her and offered help. At that time, her husband had just passed away and she was still at loss at what she should do.

With President Mo's help, she was able to clear her husband's debt and was able to put some food on the table for her young children.

The waiter returned with a cup of black coffee and Neil took a sip as he listened to the woman's words.

"My husband did not commit suicide," Sarah said after a while. "He was not someone like that. But the authorities were determined to conclude the case like that." Her hand balled into a fist as she thought of her dead husband. "A few months before my husband died, he was taken by the authorities and was accused of tax evasion and fraud. He fought and got away because they did not have enough evidence to sentence my husband. But later they said that my husband committed suicide because of guilt? I don't believe it."

Neil had been listening to the woman silently. "What can I do for you."

"President Mo, I want you to help clear up my husband's name," Sarah said. "I don't want my children to grow up believing the lies those people spew."

"I will definitely investigate and bring the truth to light," Neil said, neither promising nor rejecting that he was going to help her clear Assistant Will's name. This matter was linked to his brother and sister-in-law's death. It was a complicated matter and Neil did not want her to harbor too much hope.

Sarah Lin's lips tilted into a faint smile. She knew very well of Neil's intention. After a while, she pulled out the brown envelope from her tote bag and slid it across the table.

"I found these documents hidden in my husband's office while cleaning up," Sarah said. "I might not understand about them much, but I think they would be a good help for you."

Neil reached for the brown envelope and pulled out its contents. A slight frown appeared on his face as he browsed through the documents, and as time ticked by, his expression grew dark and heavy.

Back at Neil's place,

Edith heaved a long sigh as she looked at the amount of leftover food in the pot. Earlier, she had cooked their dinner for the three of them, but later, Neil did not show up for dinner and she ended up having a meal with a disappointed Hazel.

As she was transferring the food into a container, Edith glanced at the clock on the wall and noticed that it was almost midnight.

Neil Mo has not returned home and he did not attempt to inform her or Hazel of his whereabouts.

She had tried to reach for Neil but he did not pick up her phone calls or returned to any of her messages. Fortunately, Edith had kept Assistant Shawn's number and the assistant had informed her that Neil had an important meeting and perhaps was unable to check on his phone.

It was only then that she was able to relax, knowing that nothing had happened to him.

Just then, a sound came over from the living area. Edith dried her hand with a towel and walked over to check if it was Neil. Their gaze met and the slight frown on Neil's face disappeared when he saw her.

"President Mo, you're back," Edith greeted.

A breath of relief escaped her knowing that he had returned safe and sound, but another part of her was annoyed by the loud thumping coming from her heart.

"Hmm," Neil nodded as he closed the door behind him. "Why are you not asleep yet?"

"I just have some clean up to do before I head to the room," Edith said. She looked at the man in front of her and noticed the solemn look on his face. "President Mo, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He walked over to the sofa and sat down.

Edith stood at the dining area and hesitated before she walked into the kitchen to pour him a glass of water. "President Mo, have a drink."

Neil obediently took the glass from her and emptied half of its contents.

"Have you eaten?"

Her question made him frown, and Neil seemed to realize that he had forgotten something vital. "Hazel," he murmured.