Iceblock Mo

Edith stood up quickly and snatched those empty cans before Neil was able to reach them. "No way. President Mo, let me do this. Since I had made a mess of this place, of course, I have to be the one to clean it up."

Neil stared back at her and took a step back. "Alright. You do it."

"President Mo, you should go upstairs first," Edith said. Her hand gestured for him to move along.

With her gaze on him, Neil had no other choice but to turn around. However, as he reached the wall. Neil turned around and stood silently at the side watching as she attempted to clean up the kitchen counter. The cans were thrown into the bin, and the counter was wiped clean within a few minutes.

Judging from the way she was able to do her task well, it doesn't look as if she was drunk at all.

For a moment, Neil was wondering if he had misjudged her. However, seconds later, Neil was convinced that the girl in front of him was indeed drunk as Edith went back to her seat and laid her head on the kitchen counter.

Was she planning to sleep in the kitchen?

"Teacher Qian?" Neil placed his hand on her shoulder and patted it slowly to wake her up. "You should be sleeping in your room."

Her face scrunched up into a frown. Edith swatted his hand away from her. "Go away, you noisy fly."

Neil felt the corner of his mouth started to twitch.

Noisy fly?

Not too long ago, this woman had called him a ghost, and now he was degraded to a fly? This kindergarten teacher was an interesting woman. He really wanted to see if she would dare to call him a fly when she was sober.

A long and loud exhale escaped him as he watched Edith moved to get into a comfortable position and continued to sleep on the kitchen counter.

Forget it, maybe he should leave her alone.

He turned around to leave but stopped himself after a few steps.

The last time he had fallen asleep on the sofa, Edith had helped and covered him with a thick blanket. Now that she had fallen asleep on the kitchen counter, he couldn't possibly leave her to sleep here, right? She might wake up with a fever.

Then, wouldn't that make him a bad person?

Moreover, if she kept on sleeping in that position, the next morning Edith would experience really bad shoulder and neck pain.

Should he lift her to her room?

Neil stared at the girl as he tried to make up his mind. Seconds later, he walked over and tapped her on her shoulder. "Teacher Qian, wake up. You will catch a fever if you continue to sleep here."

Edith moved swiftly and in seconds, she had gripped Neil's wrist in hers. Her grip on him tightened and her eyes narrowed as she watched him. "What are you trying to do to an innocent lady?"

Innocent lady?

This person's choice of words was really interesting when she was drunk.

"Let me tell you, I have learned a few judo move."

His brow shot up. "Teacher Qian, are you bluffing?" He tried to remove her hand from his wrist but found that her grip was getting stronger and painful.

It was not strange if Edith was able to take down Edward Xiao in the afternoon.

"Who said I was bluffing?" Edith giggled as a memory came to her mind. "That's right. That old man lost in betting against me. In the end, he taught me a few moves. Wait a minute." Her eyes were blinking a few times as she continued to look at the man in front of her. "I know you."

Neil stared back at Edith.

At this time, she was scrutinizing him with her eyes glazed.

Suddenly, Neil wondered what she was going to call him next and hoped that it will not be something worst than a fly.

Her eyes widened as she finally saw the man in front of her. Edith immediately released her grip on his wrist and clapped once. "Iceblock Mo!" Her finger was pointing to his face.

Neil was starting to think that perhaps his ears were playing tricks on him.

Iceblock Mo?

He was aware that people had called him various names behind his back, but this was the first time that someone had dared to call him a name in his face.

His lips stretched into an amused smile. "Teacher Qian, what did you just call me?" He held both her cheek and forced her to look at him. "Who do you say I am?"

Edith narrowed her eyes for a few seconds again. "Iceblock Mo, are you drunk? Did you forget about who you are?"

A laugh escaped him. Neil had not expected that the kindergarten teacher would have this amusing attitude when she was drunk.

"Why am I Iceblock Mo?"

"Isn't it very clear?" Edith tilted her head. "You are Iceblock Mo because you often had this cold air around you. When you are around, the air suddenly turned cold and stiff. Your eyes were cold, your personality was cold. Therefore, you are Iceblock Mo."

"Teacher Qian, aren't you exaggerating?"

How was it possible for the air to turn cold because of him?

Edith laughed at his question. "This is what I heard from people."

"What people?"

"Lily Zhao. You know her?" A slight crease appeared on her face. "Of course you know her. You met her a few times."

His thought went towards the woman who was seen hanging around Edith during the Parents and Child Activity Day not too long ago.

The next time Lily met Neil, she would often feel as if the man was staring at her with a disapproving gaze, but could not understand why he would give her that look. If only Lily knew that her best friend had sold her like this, Edith would definitely suffer from her friend's wrath.

Neil released his hands from her cheek and retreated.

He did not want to deal with a drunk woman.

Just before he was able to turn around, Edith moved swiftly and this time, it was her turn to put both her hands on his cheek.

"Actually, Iceblock Mo, I don't think that you are as cold as people say you are," Edith spoke as she continued to stare at him at close distance. "For example, your gaze when you were looking at Hazel was very warm."

Neil let out a chuckle.

"And recently you have stopped giving me that cold look."

His eyes flickered.

When did he ever give her a cold look?

Before Neil could utter this question, Edith had pinched at both his cheek, forcing him to smile.

Edith stared at his lips and smiled. "Iceblock M,o you have a really nice and warm smile. You should smile a bit more." She let out a silly laugh. "Look at that. This expression is better."

Then, without delaying a second, Edith stood tiptoed and gave him a peck on the lips.

His eyes widened as he felt her warm, moist lips against his. Suddenly, Neil froze and did not know what he should do.

"Iceblock Mo," Edith called out his name, patted at his cheek, and smiled. "I like you."