A Spark of Hope

"Teacher Qian, you have been staying with both Hazel and Neil for a month now, if I am not mistaken," Sophie said as she was watching Hazel helping her to slice the scallion with the kid-friendly knife she had bought just now.

"Hmm… That's right."

"It must be hard for you to look after my son and granddaughter," Sophie continued.

Hearing that she was mentioned in the conversation, Hazel put down the knife and frowned at her grandmother. "Grandma, I am very obedient." Then, she turned to her teacher and tilted her head. "Right, Teacher Qian?"

Edith laughed and pinched the little girl's adorable cheek. "That's right. Hazel is the most obedient one. You are my little helper."

Hazel's eyes sparkled with joy. Then, she turned to her grandmother with a slight gloating look. 

"Alright, I'm sorry." Sophie smiled helplessly. There was a tinge of joy on her face.