I Only Like My Darling

Edith opened her eyes to a slit when she felt her back colliding into something colder. Something was trying to pry her hands away from a warm source and she was not very happy about it. She adjusted her eyes and found that Neil was in front of her.

"Be good. Let me go first. I will make you some tea to help you sober up." The man in front of her spoke in a very gentle voice. 

Edith loosened her hands from his neck before she moved on the sofa to get into a comfortable position. Her eyes shut as she continued to sleep.

Neil heaved a long sigh as he watched her shut her eyes and continued to sleep.

Earlier, after Driver Tang had sent him home, Neil had to carry her back into the house. Fortunately, his girlfriend was very well behaved in his arms.

He bent down to kiss her on the forehead and walked into the kitchen.