Serial Murder

As the weekend comes, Edith and Hazel followed Neil to the airport early morning.

When they arrived, Assistant Shawn was already waiting for them. The assistant handed over the flight tickets to Neil and exchanged a few words before he followed them into the departure hall. 

Edith looked at the little girl who was holding on her hands tightly and brought her over to sit down and waited for their flight. 

"Are you excited?"

"Un." Hazel nodded enthusiastically. "This is the first time that we're going on a trip together. Of course, I'm excited." The little girl smiled happily when Edith patted her hair. "Auntie Edith, have you ever been to Capital City before?

"Me?" Edith pondered over the question and nodded. "I have been to Capital City once. But I don't remember much about that trip."

"Why not?"