The Rainmaker's Call

MH Group Headquarter…

Neil sat behind his desk. There were a few documents spread on his desk and his phone was set on the table facing him. Neil glanced at the screen and saw that his girlfriend was eating her lunch.

Having a video call with Edith during her lunch had become a habit for both of them. 

His gaze stayed at his Edith for a few seconds longer to watch as her lips were pouting slightly to blew on the hot chicken piece. His eyes turned dark as he was imagining the feeling to kiss those lips at the moment.

He watched as she opened her mouth to eat and exhaled loudly.

"What's wrong?" Edith turned to look at the screen when she heard his long breath. Her gaze fell at the documents on his desk. "Trouble?"

"No. I just missed you."

Edith paused as she chewed the food in her mouth. She swallowed them and let out a chuckle. "Then… Should I come over and visit you after work?"