Happy Birthday

When Edith woke up, it was way past breakfast. Edith walked into the bathroom to clean up and put on a white, floral blouse and a pair of jeans.

As soon as Edith walked down the stairs, a small figure ran towards her, and soon, Hazel was hugging her tightly. The little girl looked up with a bright smile on her face. 

"Auntie Edith, happy birthday!"

Edith looked at the little girl who was dressed in a fluffy powder blue dress and she looked very much like a princess. If Edith's grandfather saw her, he would definitely call Hazel his little princess.

Crouching down, Edith then pulled Hazel into a hug.

"Auntie Edith, let's go and have breakfast first," Hazel said, pulling at her hands. "I made them myself."

Edith laughed and followed the little girl into the dining room. In the kitchen, Auntie Emma was busy preparing a few dishes for lunch. Neil had planned to invite a few of his friends and Edith's friends to come over for her birthday.