Big Enough to be a Big Sister

After breakfast ended, Edith followed her grandfather into his room and looked around the spacious room. Her grandfather has been living with them for a few days and Edith knew that it was because of her.

Knowing her grandfather, the old man would want to head back to Z Town soon or find an excuse for him to stay somewhere else, but because he was worried about his granddaughter, Mike tried his best to get used to living with the Mo's.

He was always a simple man and living in a luxurious apartment made him feel a little awkward. 

Fortunately, the little princess was around and she would accompany him most of the time.

"When are you leaving?" Mike asked as he watched his granddaughter sat on the sofa.

"In a while," Edith said. "Neil is arranging a few of his work stuff. Once he's done, we'll depart to A City. Grandpa, will you be alright to stay here when I'm not around?"

Mike chuckled. "How old am I? Do you still have to worry about me?"