Secretary Qian

Edith followed the shop attendant around and her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing their price.

Neil let out a helpless laugh when his wife returned with only two pieces of the garment after following the shop attendant around for half an hour. No matter how the shop attendant had convinced her that she would look good in a garment, Edith would always find a way to reject them.

It seemed that his wife was not someone who can be easily swayed with pretty words.

In the end, Edith sat at the lounge as she watched her husband pointed around the store and chose some outfit. Then, she was dragged out from the store before they went to the next one.

The way he was choosing those clothes was almost the same as the way he was choosing clothes for Hazel. As long as he thinks that the outfit would look good on her, he would not hesitate to bring the clothes to the counter and asked the shop attendant to wrap them up.