The Attorney General's Weird Hobby

Lawyer Peng heaved a long sigh, dreading his meeting with the Attorney General. At this time, the expression on his face was no longer the same as it was a few days ago when he came to meet the Attorney General for the first time after he was taken to the station.

After learning of what the Attorney General had done, Lawyer Peng was tired. His manner was no longer as confident or arrogant as before.

The last few days, he has been doing a lot of thinking. After the first r*pe accusation, another woman had appeared at the police station to file a report against the Attorney General. Then, there was the third accusation and the fourth.

At this time, Lawyer Peng did not know how many women have become the man's victim. But, no matter how he tried to find out from the Attorney General, that man would not tell him anything.