Goddess Mo

From the spot he stood, Alex could immediately spot Hazel in the crowd. 

At this time, Hazel was walking out of the university gate with her roommate. His eyes brightened and he was about to raise his hand and wave at her when he saw a male student stopped in front of her.

The male student spoke something to Hazel and she stared back at him with a poker face.

His eyes darkened and a frown appeared on his face when he saw the male student was blocking his vision.

"Looks like someone is here to confess to Goddess Mo again. Damn. Isn't that the basketball captain, Kevin Xu?"

"Un. Un. This time, another high-profile candidate decided to confess! Do you think that she will accept?"

"I bet that man is going to be disappointed. The last time, the campus heartthrob,  Evan Yu had confessed to her during that festival. It was such a big move. In the end, he was rejected, right? This time, I think Captain Xu is going to get rejected as well."