Mo's Family

The sky had turned dark when they entered L City. After almost six hours of driving, Alex pulled over his AUDI in front of Mo's Residence. He turned off the light and the engine. Then, Alex looked at the girl who was sleeping soundly beside him. 

Hazel's face was facing him and Alex took this chance to observe her look. His gaze trailed from her eyes, nose and then stopped at her slightly pouting lips. His throat bobbed as he continued to watch her sleeping face. He has been watching this face from his childhood and Alex thought that he had never grown tired of watching her face.

His hand stretched to touch her face, but seconds later, he retracted his hand and balled it into a fist. Alex closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes the look in his eyes earlier had disappeared. 

Alex stretched his hand and touched her arms. "Hazel?"