Stella's Hunt ( Part 2 )

Any beast that would stay near this monster was probably too scared to move or too weak to detect the danger… 

"Master… Are there any more monsters around?"

  Stella called it a monster since its features greatly differ from the common beasts she knows.

"Mhmm… There's none so far…"

The beast in front of her had actually managed to hide his presence making an almost successful surprise attack… This is already not a good sign. 

If not for her master's quick instruction, she might've become the food of this creature…

"I've never heard of a beast like this… Is this perhaps the Guardian of the Forest?"

"I don't think so… It resembles a Corrupted Panther…" Reiji answered. 

He recalled the book that Diether got from Mapan and this creature's body resembles that corrupted panther's description.

"However… This one has four eyes and two horns… The mid-grade Evil Beast that I know only has two eyes and no horns…"