Beast Tamers ( Part 1 )

All the items that Orga left behind were in Stella's possession and she's confident that she has the higher survivability in this mission. 

Aside from that, her Master can also use his Take Over if it really became dangerous.

Tanro then approached Stella and gave her a black cloak… 

"We will be moving once the sun goes down. We'll move as covertly as possible so please wear this."

"I understand, thank you…"

The young girl then took the hooded cloak from him and wore it without any issues. It fitted her body very well.

After confirming that everyone has arrived, Hendrick led the team and slowly entered the Wailing Forest…

"Stella… I know that you're good with your swords. However, stay close to Misha as she can protect you from any ambush. We'll be needing your skills more once we entered the Tamer's hideout."

"I understand…"

Stella answered Knight Ulysses before she nodded at Misha to imply that she would stick beside her.