Mu no Kamae

Stella heaved a sigh of relief after finishing off the Phantom Wolf… 

As expected of an adult Evil Beast, Stella almost emptied her Spiritual Energy and it will still take some time before she can recover her strength.

"I'll go help the others now."

Misha informed Stella as she quickly left to help Hendrick and the others. 

"Alright… Be careful." Stella replied but the Knights didn't hear it.

'Master… I don't think I can help the Knights. I don't have enough Spiritual Energy with me.'

'Mhmm… Look at their fight… You won't need to have abundant Energy to fight them.'


'Sigh~ Let me show you… Let me Take Over for now.'

'Eh… Ah, Yes, Master!'

Stella replied as she excitedly relaxed. 

Ever since she entered this cave, she always had to be wary of enemies and maintain her Ma'Ai.

It wasn't an easy thing to do and can be quite stressful.