Precious Item

Their return to the village went smoother than they had expected as the Forest Rats had cleared out the area… 

The veteran hunters with them even discovered the path that the rats have taken… Their discovery is important as it would allow them to predict the situation of the forest. 

"They're going in the direction where the Flesh-Eating Plants are…" One of the Hunters said.

"Hmm… Isn't that a good thing?"

"They might've been attracted by its scent…"

"I just hope that the Plants can just eat them all."

The Flesh-Eating Plants they are referring to are monster-like plants that eat any small creatures like rabbits, birds, and frogs… They are located in the eastern part of the forest.

This may be an opportunity to lessen the number of Forest Rats as they lost their natural predator, the Crypt Crawlers.