Arcana Community II

Reiji was told to stay within the old building for today as Ryu had to make arrangements for his invitation. 

The latter never bothered inviting other Sentient Arcana in the gathering as he didn't find it entertaining before… However, after meeting with Reiji, he somehow had an urge to befriend the newbie Arcana. 

Of course, the main reason was still due to Reiji's unique presence.

Ryu had several skills that can gauge the strength of an Arcana and he realized that the wooden sword has an aura similar to the three blessed Arcana in their organization. 

He can't ignore this… If he's truly at the level of their leaders, then he must bring him to their gathering and let the leaders persuade him to join their cause.

In the meantime, he didn't ask whether he's truly a Blessed Arcana as that can be a sensitive topic.