The Leaders

Reiji then learned that all the other Arcana doesn't have the memory of their past life. 

They only woke up after being summoned but they were given sufficient knowledge and intelligence by the deities… 

However, Ryu also mentioned that there were special cases where the Arcana was truly being summoned back to the "World of the Arcana" to meet the Deities… 

They learned about this due to the records left behind by their predecessors in this world and none of them had solid evidence about this aside from that.

Of course, there may be others who reincarnated as an Arcana like him but decided to keep it to themselves. Reiji could understand that as he's also trying to do the same. 

In short, there weren't many like him that was fully aware of his past life…

As everyone was trying to get to know each other, they suddenly heard the door opening as three impressive Arcana entered the hall…