Presentation I

Reiji already heard the full story of the Cursed Mask from Yui… 

The mask was actually stolen by one of the traitors of their clan and sold for a high price. Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything about it as it was purchased by nobles that were then handed over to the Arcanist Tower for examinations. 

The item was also something cursed and it's difficult for the Sakura Clan to claim ownership of such dangerous Cursed Arcana.

In the end, they have to steal the item that was originally theirs. 

On the other hand, Odette also needed the Cursed Mask as the wand seemed to require it for her advancement… 

Apparently, the Clan doesn't really care whether she could take it back to their land as long the Arcana could no longer threaten them… As a matter of fact, it would be better if they'll destroy it instead…

On the other hand, the Mind Collection seemed to have an interest in the Cursed Arcana for a different reason.