Going Out

Reiji was happy for his student after seeing that he made an impressive performance in this evaluation. 

Although it will still take a day or two to see the final rankings, he can guarantee that Rufus would be highly graded with the Magic Item he displayed in front.

After all, his Messenger seemed to be capable of being used even with a great distance due to the left and right eyes of the Vokaril. 

He heard from Yui that this demonic creature's eyes would always remain connected wherever they are. It is one of the Mystical Arcane Magic that could not be explained by any Arcanist.

At the very least, they know how to utilize it effectively just like how Rufus did it with his Messenger… 

However, this has never been used before to act as part of a mailing system so it was quite impressive for Rufus to use it like this.

The presentation of the Magic Items ended as everyone waited for the results.