Sun Fire Knight's Challenge

The young boy was now standing in front of the Arcanist Tower and felt the powerful Array protecting it.

The intensity of the protection was definitely higher than their headquarters in Saalstein City.

Here in Cardelle City, they also have a small branch but it wasn't that developed since this place had so many competitions. After all, the four Knights Order's branches were also here aside from the Arcanist Tower that is obviously dominating the city.

Of course, this doesn't mean that their current base here has a weaker defense. After all, their strength relies on their fighting style, the Sun Fire Arts.

Although he wasn't Knighted yet since he was still too young, he's clearly aware that their Knights Order can fight the top Royal Knights equally and they even have some advantage especially if it's during the day where the sunlight is exposed.

"Diether… Stop gawking at that tower… We'll visit our friends first… Are you that excited?"