Challenge III

Rufus's technique wasn't perfect yet but he has a good grasp for the right timing of his strike… 


The stab contained about 20% of his power. He didn't want to pour too much strength in this as it might hamper the speed of his sword…


Diether has expected the attack based on his opponent's form…

In truth, he's also quite fond of this technique and he frequently targets his opponent's throat whenever he has a chance. However, Calliope decided to do the same against him. Not only was she practicing the Praetorian Sword Art but she was also learning Kendo by watching Diether practice every day.

Due to this, he had no choice but to fight against a familiar sword art whenever Calliope asks him to be her training partner.

This is how he learned how to deal with Kendo Technique whether it is Shikake Waza or Oji Waza. 

Just like now, Diether noticed that Rufus's movements have similarities with Calliope before…