Reiji vs Diether ( Part 2 )

The cloaked lady was just calmly watching the fight at the side.

It means that the young Arcanists in the arena weren't in danger yet. They can only trust her judgment for the time being since she's a 4-Star Hunter.

Aside from that, it wouldn't be good for them if they interfered with her work. There are rumors that this lady does have a violent temper.

"Nika… Can you still fight?" Lexi asked as she breathes heavily. 

The last combination attack of Terrence and Calliope made her use her secret technique. It is her battle-axe's Damage Reflect that can only be used twice a day.

Her Unique-Rank Arcana only has four Arcane Magic in it and she already used all of them. This time, if she wanted to surprise her opponent, she would probably have to use her purchased Epic-Rank Arcana…

"Yes… I didn't know you have a trump card like that… You saved me…" Nika replied as she stretched her hand to take the Revolver that was dropped on the ground.