The Night Brigade

Rufus heard their conversation outside the carriage. It seems that he was really ignorant about the servants of his master.

He had never imagined that those four were actually from the notorious Three-Eyed Imp Cult...

Although he mostly stayed within the He wanted to ask his master about it but decided to keep quiet for now. As long as they leave the area, they would have plenty of time to discuss such matters. 

'Voglamaz Branch... Nine Imp Gods... Northern Hermit... Geg'drath...'

He recalled the unfamiliar terms that they've used to ask about it later. Of course, if this information shouldn't be shared with him, he would just accept that.

After all, he also doesn't want to involve in something troublesome... If his master thinks that it's better for him to know nothing, then he'll understand.

"Don't move... We'll tie you with this cloth. Act like you're unconscious..."