Sword Slaves

Kevin, the leader of the Crimson Reapers, is a subordinate of Count Vincent. This is not known by many people as the one coordinating with them was only the count's butler.

However, he has been working for them for the past three years and their small gang prospered. They were now a gang with about three hundred members within this city that has hundreds of thousands in population… 

It may still be small compared to other underworld organizations that he heard about but they were steadily getting stronger and slowly receiving more support other than the Count…

Their business is to find people that the Count and other nobles would like to take for themselves… 

As far as Kevin knows, the ladies that they are taking would become slaves of the nobles that would be kept within their territories… 

Of course, if their target is a high quality one, they should be happy if they just become a slave of the nobles.