
Rufus felt that the surrounding cold air turned even colder after they saw the humanoid gazelle in front of them. 

They also found a dead body of a white furry beast that could no longer be recognized on its side… It seems that it just finished having a meal and is now about to return to its lair and rest…


Ruthren, who can feel the power emanating from the beast, gulped in nervousness.   

The Ancient Gazelle was looking scary than what was describe in the mission.


The beast noticed their group and it immediately stopped moving…

It growled at them briefly before stomping his feet and continuing his walk away…

The Sword Slaves look at Rufus to know whether they should chase or not. They can already feel that their swords and weak Arcane Magic would not be able to penetrate its thick hide…

"Master, those Ancient Gazelle looks stronger than a Werewolf we fought before."