
Yui immediately felt happy after hearing the familiar voice… 

However, the Sentient Arcana's aura seems to be quite different from before. Her gentle aura had turned into a fiery one… It might just be her imagination but she can't just ignore it…

"Are you really Odette?" She asked. There was a bit of worry at the tone of her voice as she's unfamiliar with the current wand's aura…

"Yui? Of course, it is still me. What are you worrying about?" Odette was amused by her wielder's thought.

Nevertheless, her worry is valid considering that she was almost overtaken by the Cursed Mask as well. It seems that taking the power of another blessed is much more difficult than she thought…

"Then, about your aura… It's the result of the Cursed Mask? How are you feeling right now?"

"I'm good… It took us quite a lot of time but I'm already very strong… We can probably fight Reiji now and win… Hehehe…"