
In Kendo, there are five commonly known stances that are being taught to the practitioners.

The basic stance or the form that is commonly being taught is the Water Stance or Chudan no Kamae. This is the stance that the Practitioners from the Bhibra Village are very familiar with. It wasn't that surprising since this is the easiest form to master as well. 

Aside from that, there is the Earth Stance or Gedan no Kamae that is commonly used in Reboroz Village. 

On the other hand, the Ormug Village's practitioners can be seen using Fire Stance and Wood Stance, or Jodan and Hasso no Kamae respectively. 

As for the Metal Stance or Wakigamae, no one is using them comfortably since this stance doesn't suit their taste for some reason. 

However, it doesn't mean that these five stances were the only forms you can use in Kendo. 

One of these stances is called Mu no Kamae… It literally means having no stance at all.