Cursed Arcana vs Blessed Arcana

Reiji realized that the Cursed Arcana has been waiting for him inside the Confinement Array… 

The Sentient Shinai felt someone trying to invade his consciousness! Not just that, the Trident seems to be trying to take control of his body!

'Your last-ditch effort, huh…'

"Getting rid of me won't be easy…" Reiji realized the opponent's method of attack.

It's an attack that targets the opponent's mind which he's very familiar with.

If Reiji would make a guess, what was happening to him was similar to his Slave Marker.

The Trident Arcana may have been weakened greatly, but it seems that it's not giving up.

Nevertheless, Reiji can strengthen his will and power through his Arcane Magic.

Sword's Will! 

Sword Intent!

Aside from these two, he also has a title that he received before.

Inspired Arcana!