Beast Wave ( 7 )

Diether heard the roars of the beasts outside the gate… He has no idea about the number of the beasts outside but he knows that most of them are Wild Beasts being led by low-rank Evil Beasts.

He then looked at Rufus beside him who seems to be very excited in the upcoming battle. 

"You only brought a single quiver… Will that be enough?" The young man asked since he knows that a single quiver can only carry forty or so arrows.

Even if these arrows were enchanted by the best Arcanist around, it would surely not last that long against this beast wave. Perhaps, it wouldn't even last for 10 minutes!

"Haha! Don't worry… I have plenty of Spiritual Energy now. I will not constantly use my arrows and mix my shots with my Arcane Magic."

Rufus said proudly. 

During the past few years, he made sure to continuously craft magic items to enhance his Spiritual Energy control. After all, this action can also help him increase his Spiritual Energy pool.