Encounter ( 3 )

Ryu, the Cloak Arcana, appears to be a kind, old man.

Luoyang, the Taichi Sword Arcana, appears to be an intelligent and dependable old man.

Dingxiang, the Kris Sword Arcana, appears to be a warrior who wanted nothing more but to engage in battle.

This is the impression of the seven practitioners after hearing conversing with them for a while.

"Right, may I know what happened here? Why are you guys attacked by the Dark Elves?"

Diether asked after they changed their locations. The stench of blood from the dead bodies of the Dark Elves would soon be smelled by the Evil Beasts around the area.

Though their group is quite strong, they do not want to waste their energy by fighting unnecessarily. If they can avoid doing that, they are more than happy to do so.

"Attacked? Haha!" 

Instead of answering, Dingxiang just laughed it off prompting Ryu to answer.