Kendo Ranking Test ( 5 )

'This might get dangerous if Shiori couldn't react in time…' Reiji suddenly felt worried.

Tsuki is an attack to the throat of the opponent. Though they are using wooden swords, they are not using any protective helmets so a clean hit of Tsuki can be disastrous. 

Everyone might be aware of this but during the heat of a battle, Diether and Mourad may not care about this at all just to end the match. After all, he even said that they have to show everything they got in this match so he could rank them properly. 

'Shiori… Try to get closer a bit in this battle. If something went wrong, I need you to stop them with your sword.'

'Yes, Master Reiji.'

The two communicated with their Sense Link. 


Before the battle, Mourad took a hug from his little sister.

"Brother! You have to win!"