The Beasts of the Chaotic Land

"Master Reiji, we caught a few Mutated Impala! The werewolves said they are very delicious."

"Yeah… I can't wait for our dinner."

Rufus and Diether seem to be very happy about their catch as they returned to their carriage.

There are over 30 Impalas captured and were now skinned and cleaned by the werewolves. Ryu, the Cloak Arcana, even used an ice technique to preserve the meat so it could last until the night and even the next day if there are leftovers. 

"Good work." Reiji said as he saw the wagon filled with Impala's meat. Though he can use the Void Space to preserve them, seeing that they put an effort to make these arrangements, he decided to just let it be so they can have this as an experience. 

Their group continued on their way and as soon as the sun goes down, they would set up a camp where they could all eat together and rest for the night. 

"Reiji… Do you think we can reach a higher rank as well?"