first operation

I'm in full consontrate, I got no time to waste, against clock race, before colonel SOFE awake, as in same evening I gived him another doze of insomnia drugs, it will be gross of half journey untill he could open his eyes, and another half of half untill he recall his name, so I have around half past four to five o'clock afternoon, to operate the operation and head toward the capital where intelligence building disguise, this particular information is drip in the sea

i just get acknowledged from man of the troops of major SAM were surveying the garages side, as there business with intelegences is strongly linked, they got whole there order from the intelegences bureau in the captil, in reason our barrack and intelligence belong to common military area , contrary to my troops as they don't have what do with intelegences, though our jobs is summarised in clean the armery and keep them safe in the stored, whatever that did never mean we can't delight our disdained spirit most times with some cartridges spray on wild boars.

it's been around a forty five minute since I accelerate from the barrack, I must be through half of the path, thus it will take same duration when it's nine o'clock before Medi, as I'm still pushing at the acceleration,I managed for some movement,as I can't left without informing that caffeine siphon, and laid him his coffee, and take the once guantlat pair, like something mandatory for operation success.

as I much I get closer to the capital skrits, there's a thing every commuter must remark it, the heaviest of the traffic, if you through a pin from a building it's hyper clearer that won't fall on the the ground, it's not my problem, but none could let a door he has its key an opstacle to enter the castle, cause there's no car doesn't shift over for civilian car let siren ringtone passing away.

my car wheels make a path upon every other wheel fastly, but I'm feeling my heart pulse hap faster to fastest, i'm serious nervous the best I can how describe my feel is fear from if they catch me in mid-stream operation, only god can know what kind of torture will try on my body in building rich of most obedient men to gouvernement like a dogs, what made thing worse is the rumours near to be fact, everyone intend to lead the popular movement before almoste three decade paid cash, they still missed till nowadays, they're in narrow cells in disert or cut like animal and throughed to dogs or no maybe throughed alive in same cellules with dogs doesn't eat for month.

"hey!.. stop stressing you gonna have Stoke, before met hunger dogs, dumb ass!" KAMIL voice echo in my mind.

kAMIL took my ID code, before I went to operation, it was a good action he manage to do, as he could now know everything I think about and feel about, he could see what I see from his screen and hear what I hear from amplifiers in the appartement and also speak.

"I fear I'm just small brat is going to face its last Destiny in this world" I tried to speak in tongue has somewhat sense of humour, but I don't I reach it.

"that's not my problem, I'm still in my prime day, I can wait another decade" his sound back in my mind.

"I don't think you will find another brat bring coffee every five a .m" I had to respond frimly against his prideful words.

"that's acceptable spirit for a brat" he voiced for a third time in my mind.

i light on a cigarette and tried to puff all my stress,i tried to think in anything even everything i Will put in my mind he will know at moment it set inside, even though the only allowed think in such situation is we went through alot till realize this project and he's under my hand whatever the mission seem exegirated for first mission, to take important mind full of security, help us settle the creed


when I was four block along from the location the serjent described me, as it was ten o'clock as I ended up bustling above the car due the sirent, to avoid the attention toward myself, now I could figure the disguised building like a photo pass on my mind several times ere, I get out of the car, with first step I felt like my whole man slipped.

"at least you can breath now" the same sound spread inside my head.

"at least you you're safe from hands, for now"I quickly replayed on the echoing sound

"oh! that cruel imagination....Mr lieutenant"the echo sound again after, I visioned myself holding his fucking breath in my mind.

"okay! fine!..fine! I'm sorry" the same voice echoed back when I imagined myself bury in seven meter deep whole.

that help take back the moral and, ring in the bell, I didn't hear even a foot step behind, I did for mattual move for a second, nothing new than the first, I waited for five second then I ringed the bell, followed it with three constant knock at the steeled door, till I heard the sound effects of opening door,then an old burst out, what seem seventy years beiseged his brow and smiling"

"excuthe me my thon, we don't hafe dry bread" the oldie man speak with teethless tired tongue, the remain placed.

"but I have fresh seed"I spat out, it wasn't weird scene to me as I acknowledged about it from the serjent, from the rings to knocks to bred and seed.

when just after, he let me in the hallway of the villa, that was plain ornament like every another house in public hood of the capital, till I found myself caught myself in forgetting that I'm in house replet of killer and the gauntlet in my pocket.

" Thea or coffee?" the old man asked in teethless can't suit him more, with unbroken smile.

I was expecting this question I just forget myself like I was hypnized In the concords.

"tea..please!" as tea mean bassement, and coffee mean up stairs.

I rather tea cause I think bassement is perfect for bosses logically.

"first time in my house right?" he said while I'm walking behind his perfect did step to seventy years old, I can't describe what his face expression surface, but I felt like he's man know his job.

"yes" I didn't want to get with him in conversation cause I didn't want appear like kind who's easy to interpret.

then we reach certain point in hallway

"here is your tea prepared"as he leand on the ground and pull a secret shatter it must be way to bassement.

i kept my poker face "thank you" nothing more than moving my lips and follow the secret opening door from the floor.

"becarful! our tea might toxicate the new weak-hearf" I can confirm that expression with his smile run a shiver in my spine, while the bassement door reflect massive sound when it reflect down ,due the hard plonk on the floor, I can't the old man, he just pass me the stressed word and leave.

in my hand I'm sweating, in my seeing white light at the end of the stairs in the black, in my mind I'm doubting what would he mean from "our tea toxicate weak-hearf " the serjent didn't acknowledge about this part, maybe he red from my face the reason why I knocked the door and he wanted t send me hid massege , as I red easily he's man know his job, maybe old man wanted just to worry me, in other view, maybe he wanted to worry me, I mean worrying face step in the house for the first time is part of his job.

at portion of moment I found myself dumbfound in nearest stairs to the floor that was in utter black not like down part that was rather lighted by white bolt from the bassemnet, I taked off the phone from my jacket pocket and light on the flash untill I reached the somewhat lighted stairs, than kept the falsh lighting until my phone light became invisible in wide room sunk in lusty white light, I had two strong in black suit in the long apperence of mine, now I knew why the old man topples the bassemnet shutter hard on the floor, it was like signal herald incoming of me to these taugh guy they even my millitar body won't open debate of compression.

"don't rush for stupid reaction....the serjent already told about these bassement guard will just search you" KAMIL reflected a voice in my mind, as he must be rummage through my mind about my long term memory, and of course had received the signal, I'm going to commit stupid move, in next sight t them I prevent myself from the reaction and changed it with a slight smile in there ded face, one of them approche to me to do what he's meant to do, I didn't show any bemusement shift when he was searching me, he shrugged when he saw the gauntlet it's absurd reason to suspect, he just passed back to me and leand back to make me a room with straight back step.

I made my step in white lighted-hall, I taked three step when it became obviously I could see plenty of people from transparent glasses at two side burying there face in screen just like that hacker.

"really! put me and these flies who exert to earn some dirty minimal wage in the same level!" KAMIL. voiced up in my mind

"well..nobody did!" I whispered in the hall with funny tongue, when I'm making my faithful step in the hall

"cmon!...I know you thinker about it"...voice sound again in my mind

actually he's right about "flies exert for dirt minimal wage" , and there's two other roof of them under this bassement Roof full of screen body, that's what i informed by from the serjent.

tap to tap till the door in last of the hall, whare a white stood with a black held. what should I do now? I feel lost-like in this white! should I leand on the black held in this infinite white now?

"the fuck !.... open this door....and stop acting like a slug!" KAMIL give me a dizziness inside my mind, as I felt earthquake as he shout out.

while I'm taking my time to repair my blurry view due the dizziness, more than I take the moment to take placate breath.

more then I stretched my right arm then leand my palm, and tight my finger on the door held slightly, and calmly put my step in the room calmly.