Chapter 1

*This is a first person POV, since I find it difficult to write in 3rd person so if you're not into that, well try your best and accomadate to it LOL.*

November 3rd, 2021

I was walking through the streets of my town, accompanied by two of my close friends, Sam and Dan. To be honest, I hadn't really expected much to happen on this day, it was like any other normal day. After leaving, our school and heading towards the town's library to meet up and chill.

We would probably end up playing some football in the parking lot and then mess around with each other. My friends and I lived in a middle class town which held much diversity between its populus. I myself was a Vietnamese which was the same as my friend Dan. However, my friend Sam identifies himself as an "American" or technically a German.

I don't understand why some people identify themselves as "American" in terms of their race. It really isn't since, everyone had migrated to North America. However, that really isn't my main issue at hand since, this day was the changing point in ym life.

Only occuring a month after my 17th birthday, I had tripped while playing football with my friends and cut myself on an seemingly ordinary rock. I hadn't pay too much attention at the time nor had I notice that the rock I cut myself on disappeared as I was getting back up. I was high on adrenline as I running to catch the football that was hurtling towards the ground.

Even then after I had noticed that I was bleeding, I still hadn't noticed the strange purplish tatoo on top of my wound. I had probably mistaken it with my hand swelling up due to the fall and had not payed much heed to it.

I'm a pretty neglectful person, if I get cut, I probably wouldn't even notice unless someone told me, or I directly looked at the cut. Otherwise, I guess if none of the above happens, I'll just keep bleeding until the cut heals itself or congeals the blood bubble.

This was one of these scenarios, none of my friends had noticed and neither had I noticed the purple tatoo on my palm. It may sound crazy how someone doesn't notice a tatoo on their palm but, in reality you don't really stare at your palms that often now do you? You are usually most likely typing and writing with your eyes only being able to see the backside of your hand. Unless you are looking through a clear container that let's you see your palm when you are holding it.

Speaking of which, that was exactly how I had found the weird tatoo that changed my life forever on my palm. I had just happened to be drinking from a glass cup and when I put the cup down I saw a bit of purplish glowing from my palm.

To my shock, there was a purple tatoo... that resembled a shitty drawing of a dick and more than 2 balls...more like 32 balls.

Like any reasonable human being I just kept poking the tatoo and to my surprise it eventually stopped glowing...weird.

I thought reasonably that it was probably a shitty prank from my friends putting some glow stick juice on my hands through some methods.

However, that had all changed when I went to school the next day, I was in my Chem class and learning about the the atomic structure and formula of oxygen. There was even a video to accompany it, which "clearly" and "accurately" represented the complete structure of an oxygen atom.

You know what was in my head when learning about oxygen? Air.

Apparently that was all that was required to trigger that strange tatoo on my palm and immediately began glowing, which I hadn't noticed as my hands was in my hoodie. When all of a sudden *poof* my hoodie went bye and bye.

There was any sound associated the reaction and no one had noticed my hoodie go poof, however, that had instantly made the air in my head vanish. As I immediately woke up and wondered where my hoodie went.

However, not for a second had I ever associated my missing hoodie with the weird tatoo on my hand. I had instead thought of it as a cruel prank by one of my classmates when I was sleeping in order to wake me up. I didn't make it a big fuss about it since, I didn't want to get in trouble by my teacher and instead was planning on waiting till the end of class to find its whereabouts.

My great memory had served me well. I completely forgot about the Hoodie that went *poof* and instead went back to dream land.

It was soon lunch time, where this subject was once again brought up.

"Yo, Andy! Ya leave your hoodie in some class??" asked a scrawny and hunched over Asian kid that looked overly emo, he was the Loli Lover known as Dan.

"Da Fuq?! What hoodi- shit... What class did I leave it in?" another Asian kid with glasses and an average build replied, AKA me, Andy.

"I don't know bro, go find it or just wait till tomorrow, when our teachers remind u about the hoodie." said Dan.

"Eh you're fuck it, I'll just wait till tomorrow to get it." I replied without much care heading towards the lunch line to grab whatever "delicacies" that these lunch ladies had decided to cook today.

School didn't take too long to finish after lunch, as there was only an hour left before school ended. I didn't go to the library today with Sam and instead went to the Loli Lover's house which was right next to the school.

Inside Dan's room, you could see tens of small figurines that each represented a different girl from an anime. One of them he worshipped, her name...Megumi Jinno and 12 year old girl from some shitty loli anime that he was watching. This is the girl he always brings into conversation when someone says dick or cock.

Well...I don't really question what people do or like in their free time, but if, Dan really is jerking off to some loli's...well...lets not go there.

I headed to Dan's house as I was too lazy to make the trek back to my house even though I would have to do it sooner or later. Instead, I went to Dan's house to play some Valorant *insert* (sunglass's emoji)...