Chapter 3

By the time, that I was able to manifest a working gun, it was near midnight and I was tired of researching molecular structures of atoms and memorizing them. I decided to hit the hay and research more on my new found powers tomorrow.




"WTF, where the hell am I?"

My body, well not really since I can't even see my self but, I was floating in the middle of space. I could see the Sun and all of the planets within my solar system.

"Man this is one weird dream, but I don't remember myself having so much awarness in my dreams..."

As, I was thinking to myself, I saw a huge fireball hurling towards the earth, all of sudden my point of view was on top of a dinosaur.

"Ahh, so, I'm watching the dinosaurs become, extinct, thats very nice..."

However, to my surprise the fireball didn't crash into the earth and instead stopped in the middle of the air.

Dinosaurs - *looks up... blinks...goes back to eating whatever...*

The fireball instantly extinquishes itself and I could see, that it was one giant rock. With no distinctive features besides being completely black and rocky. Just, a rock...nothing special, I promise you.

Nothing special...

*All dinosaurs on earth, are being sucked towards the rock, some have their skin and muscles sucked off of them...Ocean dinosaurs look at the land dinosaurs "laughs..." ocean gets sucked up along with some ocean dinosaurs...Dead land dinosaur - "Who's laughing now bitch." Mosquitos - "I am..."*

Nothing special at all...

Well, I guess that explains why some dinosaurs that lived in the ocean are still alive today...and for some dumb reasons, mosquitos still exist.

All of a sudden that ordinary black rock in the sky split into billions of pieces and positioned those pieces all around the earth. All of a sudden, the rock shars shoot straight into the ground embedding itself deep into the earth.

For some, damn reason, I feel a strong connection in my right hand with those rocks that were embedded into the ground. Maybe, if I eat them, my transmutation power will get stronger!

However, only 1/10th of the rocks were able to drill into the ground, while the rest of the rock shards turned into white particles that swerved around the earth.

All of a sudden, floral and different botanic plants begin to grow on the earth and I can see a slight blue hue in the air. Speaking of which the first human ever was created in this oasis of vegetation. He was kinda hairy...I watched him explore the foriegn surroundings and I watched as he was swallowed and pooped out by man eating plants.

They were insanely huge, to the point where they could be compared to mountains, while the tree's grew even taller than the mountains.

I named, this guy Adam...original, I know...

Adam, travelled around, getting eaten'ed, poisioned and sticking whatever he see's into his mouth.

The equivalent of a man baby...

It's a surprise that he survived.

One day, during one of Adam's expeditions he saw a shiny bright tree, that grew taller than the rest of the tree's. I know great word choice.

The tree itself seemed divine, looking from far away you might even mistake it for the sun, due to its bright glow. It seemed to reach into the heavens with its roots manifesting in hell, while on trunk of the tree, was a house sized purple ball, with loads of lines on it.

Being, the man baby Adam is, he climbed the tree and fell down...and cried.

However, to my surprise Adam, didn't give up on climbing the tree and instead kept on climbing it and crying.

With each attempt to ascend the tree, Adam got smarter and eventually began to develop tools that would help him escalate the tree.

He made twine from the man eating plant feces, and stakes to climb up from the solids feces of the man eating plants.

I don't really know how long, I watched Adam attempt to ascend the tree but, it was well over a thousand attempts and he was getting hairier by the second.

Through Adam's preservence, he had eventually made it to the giant fruit and the first thing he did was attempt to eat it.

Adam's attempt was too slow and the purple fruit condensed mouth's, eye's, and limbs from the lines on the fruit.

Adam was instead eaten by a man eating fruit this time. Adam tried escaping by eating his way out, but whatever weird juicies that was in the fruit began to freeze Adam up and eventually Adam became, lifeless.

However, the fruit began to become translucent and instead of seeing one body, you could see two bodies traped in the fruit. One appeared to be Adam, and the other was a girl, which I named Eve. (Hot names...)

The fruit fell from the heavenly tree and landed on the ground with a *splat*.

While all of a sudden the trillions of trees and flowers began to shrink, while the giant tree that held the fruit drilled itself in the earth.

It wasn't long before all the tree's shrunk to modern day height and the blue hue that was orignially in the air began to dissipate.

All that was left was a stinky and rotten house sized fruit on the Earth's floor.

You could see two figures desperately trying to climb out of the fruit and it took a decent bit before, they made it out.

However, to my surprise the first thing Adam did when he got out was jump onto his counterpart and...well you can probably figure it out.

I was, the poor innocent bystander that witnessed the whole process.

A feminine voice screaming in the forest...

All of a sudden I blacked out and woke up in my bed, my blankets were wet.