Chapter 5

Although, I trust my friends with a lot of things and it would certainly be cool to show off my new found powers to my friends. I just don't know if it is worth it and the risks that come with showing off my powers.

I made a decision to, hide my powers from my friends for now and expose my powers at a later date when I am more proficient with them.

In the mean time, I am progressing at a smooth rate with my training and as long as I think of the element and shape associated with it, I can transmute it within 2 seconds. All though it is still far from instantenous, my training is going in the right direction.

While, I'm still trying memorize all the elements molecular structures and how when elements combine, affects said new alloy's molecular structure.

Just gotta keep grinding it.

I have most of the non-radioactive metals down and some gas's such as Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide. As well, as memorizing the molecular structure for water H2O. As for complicated processes such as food and technology, I'm still quite off.

I feel like transmuting technology may be easier to do so, than actual food and animals. As, I find it hard to believe that iron can make up a part of beef. However, it is something I must do, in order to gain more control of my powers.

Most of what I am attempting to accomplish can be done within a few weeks or months, as all it takes is repetive processes in order to reach these goals. The most confusing thing, is about the stones buried within the earth, will they help advance my powers?

The only thing I can do is wait until I learn more about it through my dreams, or until an special event occurs which connects me with those rocks. In the mean time, I'll just grind some Valorant and osu! as there really isn't much to do.

I can't completely focus on doing one task at hand for several weeks, I need a brain break and what better way to do so than playing games.

I don't understand why adults find games so repulsive, it's just something for people to let off some steam and relax. It's pratically in the same category as why adults drink alcohol or why adults gamble. If you can't find a positive in games, than you can't a positive in those things as well.

Recently, though I feel like my reaction time and focus in game has been improving at astonishing rates. My memory has also been improving, I can completely memorize molecular structures after only a few seconds of staring and analyzing. Which has been helping me while training and playing games.

Although, they have yet to unlock competive play in Valorant, I can definitely feel my opponents getting stronger and my friends who play with me become, weaker. It isn't that my friends are getting worse, but I'm getting way too good at this game before, Beta ended for Valorant I was sitting around Bronze 3 - Silver I.

However, now I think I can estimate my opponent level during Beta to be Gold - Platinum. Which is definitely a noticeable increase in skill level. Perhaps, if it keeps improving and I practice a bit more, I can probably hit Immortal level when playing Valorant.


It's been almost a week and I haven't had any weird dreams which related to the stone and the creation of humanity, so I'm starting to wonder if perhaps it was really just a strange dream.

In the past few days, I have been able to advance my transmuting level to the point where I can transmute bread out of thin air. However, I haven't been able to transmute any pieces of technology out of the air, except for a lightbulb. Which I can power through transmuting lighting/electricity out of thin air.

Transmuting technology is a pretty difficult task due to the fact, that in a basic motherboard, there are many components made of many different elements. Those components also have to be connected in a specific way otherwise, it would just be a hunk of metal with no purpose.

The first thing, I did in order to help aid in my problem, was to find a book on micro chip engineering. This would help me understand the basics of how chips work and how the wiring of them works.

Since, although google is nearly an omnipotent source of information, it doesn't always put the information in the best way for understanding. Nor, does it always give you specific minute details which may only be found through reading specialized books.

I gotta say, that book was boring as fuck and I stopped reading halfway through. However, I did manage to understand a few basics on how chip works. Which definitely aided me in visualizing how I want to transmute said piece of technology.

In the mean time, I gained more understanding of the molecular structure of properties of titanium, tungsten, aluminium, and iron. I managed to develop a brand new alloy (I think, not everything can be googled if you don't know the specific name...) this new alloy was able to withstand an atomic combustion.

It has to be said that my atomic combustion can completely shatter tungsten and the grade 4/5 titanium alloy. Which both are known for their durability and tensile strength. The only thing that my new alloy couldn't prevent which the melting from Atomic Combustion.

Since when combining new elements togther, the melting point isn't raised and is usually lowered due to the fact, that the other element has a lower melting temperature.

I estimated that my Atomic Combustion (Definitely not at full power) is around 15,000 F, which is reportedly 5,000 degrees hotter than the surface of the sun. I know I can definitely exceed that temperature, the only problem is that I don't know any elements that can withstand that heat without completely melting.

Not even tungsten which is known for it's high melting point can withstand the heat produced by Atomic Combustion.

Although, this isn't a very important concern for me right now, I still would like to find a new material that has an extremely high melting point.